GIT repositories

Index page of all the GIT repositories that are clonable form this server via HTTPS. Übersichtsseite aller GIT-Repositories, die von diesem Server aus über git clone (HTTPS) erreichbar sind.


A bunch of service scripts to convert, analyse and generate data. Ein paar Services zum Konvertieren, Analysieren und Generieren von Daten.

GNU octave web interface

A web interface for GNU Octave, which allows to run scientific calculations from netbooks, tables or smartphones. The interface provides a web form generator for Octave script parameters with pre-validation, automatic script list generation, as well presenting of output text, figures and files in a output HTML page. Ein Webinterface für GNU-Octave, mit dem wissenschaftliche Berechnungen von Netbooks, Tablets oder Smartphones aus durchgeführt werden können. Die Schnittstelle beinhaltet einen Formulargenerator für Octave-Scriptparameter, mit Einheiten und Einfabevalidierung. Textausgabe, Abbildungen und generierte Dateien werden abgefangen und in einer HTML-Seite dem Nutzer als Ergebnis zur Verfügung gestellt.

PHP Funktion zum Verzeichnisabgleich via FTP/SFTP/FTPS mit lftp

PHP function to synchronise via FTP/SFTP/FTPS using lftp

The source shown here is a wrapper for the shell program lftp. It can be included to use the function lftp_sync(), or it can be executed directly from the command line. Context: LFTP is a powerful FTP tool to use for automated synchronisation. The wrapper script here makes it even a bit easier to use.

Dieser Quelltext stellt eine Wrapper-Funktion für das Shellproramm lftp zur Verfügung. In eine Skriptdatei gepackt kann er entweder in andere PHP-Skripte eingebunden werden, oder die Skriptdatei selbst kann in der Shell ausgeführt werden. Dabei vereinfacht sie die Verwendung von lftp nochmals.

Function source code


 * Synchronises a directory structure via FTP/FTPS/SFTP using lftp.
 * - $from and $to are the local/remote folders. Depending on the protocol
 *   specification the script detects if it is remote-to-local or vice versa.
 *   E.g. `lftp_sync("/home/me", "ftps://my.domain/remote/folder");`
 * - $exclude and $include are arrays of regex patterns
 *   E.g. array('/\.git/', '/\.hg/', '/\.svn/', '\.DS_Store$', 'Desktop\.ini$', 'Thumbs\.db$');
 * - $delete_orphanded_files=true: Delete files in the destination that do not
 *   exist in the source folder/location.
 * - $verbose=true: verbose ouput (ftps tells what it is doing)
 * - $dont_fetch_output=false: Output is not fetched in the return variabls,
 *   but passed through to stdout directly.
 * @param string $from
 * @param string $to
 * @param array $exclude=array()
 * @param array $include=array()
 * @param bool $delete_orphanded_files=true
 * @param bool $verbose=true
 * @param bool $dont_fetch_output=false
 * @return array
 * @throws \Exception
 * @package
function lftp_sync($from, $to, $exclude=array(), $include=array(), $delete_orphanded_files=true,
                   $verbose=true, $dont_fetch_output=false)
  $fiddle = function($what) {
    if(empty($what)) return array();
    $return = array('proto' => '', 'user' => '', 'pass' => '', 'host' => '');
    if(!preg_match('#^(ftp|ftps|sftp)://(.*)$#smix', $what)) {
      return array('local-dir' => rtrim($what, '/') . '/');
    list($return['proto'], $what) = explode('://', $what, 2);
    if(!preg_match("#^(.*?)@([^@/\']+)[:]?[\']?(/.*)$#smix", $what, $m)) return array();
    $return['remote-dir'] = rtrim(trim(array_pop($m), "'"), '/') . '/';
    $return['host'] = trim(array_pop($m),"'");
    $m = empty($m) ? '' : explode(':', array_pop($m), 2);
    $return['user'] = trim(array_shift($m), "'");
    $return['pass'] = empty($m) ? '' : trim(array_shift($m), "'");
    return $return;
  $from = $fiddle($from);
  $to = $fiddle($to);
  if(empty($from)) {
    throw new \Exception('Sync "from" is not specified correctly.');
  } else if(empty($to)) {
    throw new \Exception('Sync "to" is not specified correctly.');
  } else if(isset($from['host']) && isset($to['host'])) {
    throw new \Exception('You cannot sync from remote to remote');
  } else if(!isset($from['host']) && !isset($to['host'])) {
    throw new \Exception('You cannot sync from local to local');
  $args = array_merge($from, $to);
  $sync_to_remote = isset($to['host']);
  $host = escapeshellarg($args['proto'] . '://' . $args['host']);
  $user = escapeshellarg($args['user']);
  $pass = escapeshellarg($args['pass']);
  $remote_folder = escapeshellarg($args['remote-dir']);
  $lf = realpath(strpos($lf = $args['local-dir'], '~/') !== 0 || !isset($_SERVER['HOME']) ?
    $lf : rtrim($_SERVER['HOME'], '/') . substr($lf, 1));
  $local_folder = escapeshellarg(rtrim($lf, '/') . '/');
  $from_folder = $sync_to_remote ? $local_folder : $remote_folder;
  $to_folder = $sync_to_remote ? $remote_folder : $local_folder;
  $incl_excl = '';
  foreach($exclude as $e) $incl_excl .= ' --exclude ' . escapeshellarg($e);
  foreach($include as $e) $incl_excl .= ' --include ' . escapeshellarg($e);
  if(!is_dir($lf)) {
    throw new \Exception("Local folder '{$lf}' does not exist.");
  unset($fiddle, $args, $from, $to);
  $mirror = 'mirror'
    . ($sync_to_remote ? ' --reverse' : '')
    . ($delete_orphanded_files ? ' --delete' : '')
    . ($verbose ? ' --verbose' : '')
    . "$incl_excl $from_folder $to_folder"
  $cmd = ''
    . "lftp <<EOF 2>&1\n"
    . "set net:timeout 10\n"
    . "set net:connection-limit 10\n"
    . "set net:max-retries 2\n"
    . "set bmk:save-passwords false\n"
    . "set cmd:fail-exit true\n"
    . "set cmd:interactive false\n"
    . "set cache:enable false\n"
    . "set dns:cache-enable false\n"
    . "set ftp:passive-mode true\n"
    . "set ftp:ssl-allow true\n"
    . "set mirror:parallel-directories false\n"
    . "set mirror:set-permissions true\n"
    . "set mirror:parallel-transfer-count 2\n"
    . "set mirror:dereference false\n"
    . "set ssl:verify-certificate no\n"
    . "open $host\n"
    . "user $user $pass\n"
    . "cd $remote_folder\n"
    . "lcd $local_folder\n"
    . "$mirror\n"
    . "bye\n"
    . "EOF\n"
  if(!$dont_fetch_output) @ob_start();
  $lastline = trim(array_pop(explode("\r", trim(@system($cmd, $exit), "\t "))), "\t ");
  return array(
    'command' => str_replace("user $user $pass\n", "user $user <PASSWORD>\n", $cmd), // user might log this
    'exit-code' => $exit,
    'last-line' => $lastline,
    'stdout' => $dont_fetch_output ? '' : @ob_get_clean()
 * Direct command line usage
if(php_sapi_name() == 'cli' && basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) === basename(__FILE__)) {
  try {
    while(ob_get_level()) ob_get_clean();
    $sopts = 'hvd';
    $lopts = array('help', 'verbose', 'delete', 'from::', 'to::', 'exclude::', 'include::');
    $args = getopt($sopts, $lopts);
    $from = isset($args['from']) ? $args['from'] : '';
    $to = isset($args['to']) ? $args['to'] : '';
    $e = isset($args['exclude']) ? $args['exclude'] : array();
    $i = isset($args['include']) ? $args['include'] : array();
    $exclude = empty($e) ? array() : (is_array($e) ? $e : array($e));
    $include = empty($i) ? array() : (is_array($i) ? $i : array($i));
    $delete = isset($args['d']) || isset($args['delete']);
    $verbose = isset($args['v']) || isset($args['verbose']);
    if(isset($args['h']) || isset($args['help'])) {
      $prg = trim(basename($argv[0]), ' /.');
      print <<<HERE
      Usage: {$prg} [-h|--help] [-v|--verbose] [-d|--delete] --form=<location> --to=<location>
             [--exclude=<path> [--exclude=<path>] ..] [--include=<path> [--include=<path>] ..]
             -h, --help     : Show this usage.
             -v, --verbose  : High verbosity of lftp.
             -f, --delete   : Delete orphaned file at the location specified by --to.
             --from         : Local or remote location.
             --from         : Local or remote location.
             --exclude      : Exclude path from sync (see lftp pattnern convention).
                              Can be specified multiple times.
             --include      : Re-include excluded path. Can be specified multiple times.
            {$prg} --from /home/here/ --to ftps://
            {$prg} --from ftps:// --to /home/here/
            {$prg} -vh --from a --to ftp://srv/a --exclude a/b/** --exclude a/c/** \
                   --include a/c/d
            lftp (apt-get install lftp / brew install lftp).
    $r = lftp_sync($from, $to, $exclude, $include, $delete, $verbose, true);
    if($r['exit-code'] != 0) {
      print("\033[0;31mError: " . $r['last-line'] . "\033[0m\n");
  } catch(\Exception $e) {
    print("\033[0;31mError: " . $e->getMessage() . "\033[0m\n");