GIT repositories

Index page of all the GIT repositories that are clonable form this server via HTTPS. Übersichtsseite aller GIT-Repositories, die von diesem Server aus über git clone (HTTPS) erreichbar sind.


A bunch of service scripts to convert, analyse and generate data. Ein paar Services zum Konvertieren, Analysieren und Generieren von Daten.

GNU octave web interface

A web interface for GNU Octave, which allows to run scientific calculations from netbooks, tables or smartphones. The interface provides a web form generator for Octave script parameters with pre-validation, automatic script list generation, as well presenting of output text, figures and files in a output HTML page. Ein Webinterface für GNU-Octave, mit dem wissenschaftliche Berechnungen von Netbooks, Tablets oder Smartphones aus durchgeführt werden können. Die Schnittstelle beinhaltet einen Formulargenerator für Octave-Scriptparameter, mit Einheiten und Einfabevalidierung. Textausgabe, Abbildungen und generierte Dateien werden abgefangen und in einer HTML-Seite dem Nutzer als Ergebnis zur Verfügung gestellt.

Unter Linux/*NIX Resourcendateien in ein kompiliertes C++ Programm einbetten

Embedding resource files in a C++ program binary on Linux/*NIX

Bekannterweise werden unter Linux/UNIX Resourcen meist als separate Dateien gespeichert, die vom Installationspaket in einer dem Programm zugeschriebene Verzeichnisstruktur organisiert sind (z.B. in /usr/...). Dieses Prinzip ist sowohl flexibel alsauch transparent - jedoch gibt es auch Situationen, in denen es Sinn macht (oder einfach nur das Leben leichter), diverse Binärdaten als "Anhang" in die Programmdatei zu integrieren. Hierfür gibt es verschiedene Lösungsansätze:

  1. Mit Hilfsprogrammen eine oder mehrere .c/.h Dateien erstellen, in dem die Binärdaten als const unsigned char VARIABLE[] = { 0x??, ... } definiert werden (und die Länge der Daten). Für Bilder kann hierfür ImageMagick verwendet werden, für allgemeine Binärdaten kann der Hex-Dump-Befehl xxd hilfreich sein. Die Daten werden beim Programmstart in den RAM geschoben und sind sofort verfügbar. Damit ist diese Methode für kleine Resourcen sinnvoll.

    # ImageMagick - nur Bilder
    $ imagick input.png output.h
    # Allgemein
    $ xxd -i input.whatever output.h
  2. Mit Hilfe des Linkers ld oder objcopy eine Objekt-Datei erstellen, welche in der Sektion .data (les-schreib) oder .rodata (nur lesen), den Inhalt der Binärdaten enthält, sowie Symbole wo diese Daten zu finden sind. Auch hier werden (ohne zusätzliche Flags) die Daten direkt in den RAM geladen.

    # Linker, den C/C++ Code muss man noch informieren, dabei ergibt sich
    # "_binary_input_whatever" aus dem Dateipfad "input.whatever".
    #  extern char binary_input_whatever_start[]; // Startadresse
    #  extern char binary_input_whatever_size[];  // Größe des Datensatzes
    #  extern char binary_input_whatever_end[];   // End-Adresse (=start+size)
    #  ... bzw. mit "const".
    $ ld -o output.o -b binary -r input.whatever
    # Object copy, auch hier muss im Quelltext angegeben werden, dass diese
    # Daten existieren (wie oben).
    objcopy --input binary --output $ELF_TYPE_??_BIT --binary-architecture \
      $ARCH --rename-section .data=.rodata,load,alloc,readonly,data,contents \
      input.whatever output.o
  3. Mit Hilfe von objcopy eine Sektion erstellen, die dynamisch mit den Sprachfeatures in den RAM alloziiert werden (overlay-Attribut). Das war mal früher wichtig, heute - wegen Multithreading - ist das ehr gefährlich.

  4. Mit Hilfe von objcopy eine Sektion erstellen, die nicht in den RAM geladen wird. Stattdessen wird die Binärdatei zum Lesen geöffnet und die Daten wie aus einer normalen Datei entnommen. Diese Methode ist langsamer als die oben genannten, erlaubt es jedoch, große Datenmengen anzuhängen. Auch muss hierzu die richtige Stelle der Sektion bzw. der individuellen Datensätze ermittelt werden. Die Binärdatei muss lesbar sein.

Das hier beschriebene Klassentemplate arbeitet mit der Methode 4 - (fast) beliebig große Datenmengen - und funktioniert mit ELF-Binärdateien. Um den Build-Prozess bedienbarer zu gestalten (bzw. mit möglichst allgemein bekannten und verfügbaren Tools arbeiten zu können) gibt es nur eine "BLOB"-Sektion mit definierbarem Namen, in der eine einzige Datei gespeichert ist. Diese Datei ist allerdings ein Tape Archive (.tar), wodurch beliebig viele Dateien mit Attributen/Modes, User-Name/Group-Name, Änderungsdatum, und natürlich Unterverzeichnissen gespeichert werden können. Das tar-Format ist aus Geschwindigkeitsgründen auf das gute-alte-einfache ustar festgelegt. Das räumt alle Platform-Schnickschnacks aus, aber die Größe der einzelnen Dateien ist auf 8GB beschränkt (daher "fast beliebig"). Dieses Prinzip erlaubt es, z.B. im Prokektverzeichnis ein Resourcen-Unterverzeichnis anzulegen, und mittels dem Makefile bei Änderungen automatisch die Objektdatei mit der Datensektion neu zu generieren. Weiterhin lassen sich die Daten einfach aus dem Programm extrahieren, z.B. in externe Dateien.

Die Spezialisierung des Templates ist sw::resource_section. Davon können (global oder lokal - egal) Instanzen erstellt werden. Im Konstruktor wird der Pfad der eigenen Binärdatei ermittelt, diese geöffnet und mithilfe der <(linux/)elf.h> Funktionalität die richtige Position der Datensektion ermittelt. Danach wird das eingebettete Tape Archive analysiert und die nötigen Informationen in einer std::map (nach Dateipfad indiziert) gespeichert (aber die Dateidaten selbst nicht in den RAM geladen). Danach könnnen die Instanzen verwendet werden. Auf exceptions wurde bewüßt verzichtet, stattdessen kann mit bool'schen Rückgabewerten ermittelt werden, ob Daten existieren, oder ob Methoden erfolgreich waren. Von der Namensgebung sind Methoden an STL-Containern orientiert, und iterator, und const_iterator der internen std::map, sowie begin() und end() sind für bessere Verwendung (und Wartbarkeit) weitergeleitet. Methoden, die Referenzen oder Pointer zurückgeben, geben immer gültige Werte zurück, im Zweifelsfall statische const Dummy-Instanzen, deren Inhalte darauf hinweisen, dass sie ungültig sind.

Das Beispiel zeigt, wie's geht ...

Knowingly application resources of Linux/NIX programs are usually stored in separate files in a directory structure defined by the installation package (e.g. /usr/local/mypackage/...). This principle is transparent and flexible - however, there are *occasionally situations where it makes sense to embed/attach binary or text resources into the binary executable. There are several approaches for this:

  1. Using tools to generate one or more .c/.h files containing the binary data in a hex format suitable to be compiled, e.g. const unsigned char VARIABLE[] = { 0x??, ... }. Candidate tools are ImageMagick (images only) or the CLI hex dump tool xxd (all kind of files). The data is allocated in RAM at program startup, hence, this approach is suitable for small resources and fast access.

    # ImageMagick - images only
    $ imagick input.png output.h
    # Common
    $ xxd -i input.whatever output.h
  2. Using the linker ld or objcopy to generate an object file containing a section (and define symbols) where the binary resources are stored in, e.g. in .data (RW) or .rodata (RO). Without additional flags, the data is allocated on startup, too.

    # Linker: The C/C++ compiler has to be informed about the existing symbols,
    # where "_binary_input_whatever" resolves from the file path "input.whatever".
    #  extern char binary_input_whatever_start[]; // Start address
    #  extern char binary_input_whatever_size[];  // Size of the data
    #  extern char binary_input_whatever_end[];   // End address (=start+size)
    #  (... or with "const", respectively)
    $ ld -o output.o -b binary -r input.whatever
    # Object copy, the compiler has to be informed about the symbols, too.
    objcopy --input binary --output $ELF_TYPE_??_BIT --binary-architecture \
      $ARCH --rename-section .data=.rodata,load,alloc,readonly,data,contents \
      input.whatever output.o
  3. Generate a sections/symbols with objcopy/ld that can be dynamically allocated with the language features - the overlay attribute. Once upon a time that was frequently required due to the lack of RAM, but especially in multi threading environments this method includes various dangers to crash an application.

  4. Generate a section using objcopy that is not allocated. That implies opening the binary file for reading (as a regular data file), determining the offset and size of the resource "BLOB" section and seeking there to read the data when they are needed. Surely this method is a bit slower, but it comes with the advantage to store a vast amount of data in the binary without RAM consumption. The binary executable has to be readable.

The class template depicted in this article is based on approach 4 - (almost) any resource size possible - and works for ELF binaries. To make the build process more usable (also developers don't want to bother too much about every detail), the method requires known and on Linux and Unix available standard tool sets. There is only one resource (BLOB) section containing only one single file - where this file is a tape archive (TAR). T.m. a "source-resource" folder can be used and monitored in the project Makefile to rebuild the resource section in two steps (tar and objcopy). The tape archive saves meta data like the directory structure, modification dates, users and groups, file modes (all that can be overridden with tar) etc. There is no need to implement a custom c/c++ format for metadata. In this class, I did stick to the good-ole-stable-known ustar format, which is supported in all tar implementation I know, and quickly parsable. However, a disadvantage is that the sizes of the individual files are restricted to 8GB, but I suppose we can live with it.

The specialisation of the class template is sw::resource_section, which uses uint64_t for the section's offset position and size. Dependent on the architecture you might want to change these template arguments to improve the performance on small 32bit processors (the template is basic_resource_section<typename position_type, typename size_type>). From this class you can instantiate as many objects as desired - I personally use one global instance.

#include <sw/resource_section.hh>
sw::resource_section resources;   // <<- Global instance
int main() { ... }

When a new resource section object is instantiated, the "self" binary is determined, opened for reading, analysed using the <(Linux)/elf.h> functionality, the resource section retrieved and then the embedded tar file parsed. The file index is mapped into a std::map, where the keys are the file paths in the tar, and the values blob objects containing the names, offsets and sizes of the files. The objects also contain a data container, which is of cause not filled with the file contents. For additional accessibility (and maintainability), the iterator, const_iterator, begin() and end() of the internal map is inline wrapped. The operator[] always returns valid const objects (but not like std::map it does not create new instances when the key path was not found - instead, a special static const instance is returned, which itself tells that is is not valid (!resources["/not/there"].valid()). Also, the objects in the index map always return valid data() pointers, even if the files are not loaded. Generally, the use of exceptions was avoided. Instead, the methods and static functions return booleans to indicate errors. Only STL containers (and stack allocations) may throw exceptions when memory allocations fail.

Take a glance at the example and the source - it's pretty easy to use. The Makefile contains the taring and objcopying to generate the resource object file.



resource_section.hh microtest Makefile



#include <resource_section.hh>
#include <filesystem.hh>
#include "test.hh"
#if defined (__linux__) || defined(unix) || defined(__unix__) || defined(__unix)
using namespace std;
using sw::fs;
// The resources object is initialised during construction:
sw::resource_section resources;
void test()
  int i=0;
  // General validity check - means check if the instance has successfully initialised:
  if(!resources.valid()) {
    test_fail("resources object failed to initialise.");
  // Direct access using operator[] const: If not found, a valid reference is returned, but
  // this instance tells it is not valid(), we cannot load it, and the getters return empty,
  // methods return false.
  test_expect(resources["not/existing/path"].valid() == false);
  test_expect(resources["not/existing/path"].size() == 0);
  test_expect(resources["not/existing/path"].offset() == 0);
  test_expect(resources["not/existing/path"].data() != NULL); // Pointers not NULL
  // Iterate over all resource files
  for(sw::resource_section::iterator it = resources.begin(); it != resources.end(); ++it) {
    // Assign reference to current instance for convenience:
    sw::resource_section::blob &b = it->second;
    // Load the resource into the RAM. It can be accessed with then.
    test_expect(resources.load(b.path()) == true);
    // You can check if a resource exists using:
    test_expect(resources.has(b.path()) == true);
    // Dump instance information
    test_comment("Loaded: name=" << b.path() << ", size=" << b.size() << ", loaded=" << b.loaded());
    // Print content if ".txt" file and less than 10kb
    if( b.path().find(".txt") != string::npos && b.size() < 10*1024 ) {
      std::stringstream ss;
      ss << ", text data: >>>>\"" << endl;
      ss.write((const char*), b.size());
      ss << "\"<<<<" << endl;
      test_comment( ss.str() );
    } else {
      test_comment( "(file not there or >10kb)" );
    // Unload the resource (this is not required only an example here, it frees some memory.)
    // Dump again;
    test_comment( "Unloaded: name=" << b.path() << ", loaded=" << b.loaded() );
    // Extract resource to a file
    std::stringstream sss;
    sss << test_tmpdir() << "/extracted_resource_" << (++i);
    test_comment( "Extract: '" << b.path() << "' to '" << sss.str() << "'" );
    test_expect( resources.extract(b.path(), sss.str()) );
    // Load thread safe ( and b.size() do not change)
    char *buffer;
    if(b.size() > 0 && (!!(buffer = new char[b.size()+1]))) {
      if(!resources.load(b.path(), buffer, b.size())) {
        test_fail(string("Failed to load '") +  b.path() + "'into buffer" );
      } else if(b.path().find(".txt") != string::npos && b.size() < 10*1024) {
        buffer[b.size()] = 0;
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "Buffer text data: ((((\"" << endl;
        ss.write(buffer, b.size());
        ss << "\"))))" << endl;
        test_pass(string("(Loaded ") +  b.path() + ")\n" + ss.str());
      } else {
        test_pass(string("(Loaded ") +  b.path() + ")");
      delete [] buffer;
    // Free loaded memory, but not the index. Done automatically on instance destruction,
    // so you only need to do that when you finished with all resource dependencies and
    // want to free as much memory as possible.
void test() {}



# Toolchain
# Note: BSD: CCC=clang++
# Build config
# Default: make all
.PHONY: all
# Cleanup
.PHONY: clean
    -@$(RM) -f *.o
    -@$(RM) -f $(RESOURCE_SECTION_NAME).tar
# Object dump
.PHONY: dump
# Link application
$(EXECUTABLE): resource_section.o $(RESOURCE_SECTION_NAME).o
    $(CCC) -o $(EXECUTABLE) resource_section.o $(RESOURCE_SECTION_NAME).o
# Main program
    $(CCC) -c -DRESOURCE_SECTION_NAME=$(RESOURCE_SECTION_NAME) -o resource_section.o
# Convert tar to non-allocated object
    $(OCP) --input binary --output $(ELF_TYPE) --binary-architecture i386 --rename-section \
      .data=.$(RESOURCE_SECTION_NAME),readonly,data,contents \
# Make tar from the resource directory (only dir itself checked here)
    $(TAR) -v --group=nogroup --owner=nobody --dereference --recursion \
      --create --format=ustar --directory=$(RESOURCE_PATH) -f $(RESOURCE_SECTION_NAME).tar .


Source code

 * @package
 * @license BSD (simplified)
 * @author Stefan Wilhelm (stfwi)
 * @file resource_section.hh
 * @ccflags
 * @ldflags
 * @platform linux, bsd, !windows
 * @standard >= c++98
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Allows to embed and access resource files in the compiled binary on Linux/UNIX
 * platforms. The data are stored as single USTAR tape archive in a section with
 * configurable name (default: .blobres), which is not allocated in the RAM on
 * program startup. The class template `sw::resource_section` can be used to
 * list, load (allocate) and extract (to file) the information stored in the
 * section.
 * C++ code usage:
 *  #include <sw/resource_section.hh>
 *  #include <iostream>
 *  #include <string>
 *  using namespace std;
 *  // Initialises the file list implicitly.
 *  sw::resource_section resources;
 *  int main()
 *  {
 *    // Example key, corresponds to a file path in the tar'ed directory.
 *    string key = "path/in/tar/file.txt";
 *    // Just a possibility to double check, as the initialisation does not throw:
 *    if(!resources.valid()) {
 *      cerr << "Resources failed to initialise!" << endl;
 *      return 1;
 *    }
 *    // Check if a resource exists (does not throw)
 *    if(!resources.has(key)) {
 *      cerr << "Resource not found:" << key << endl;
 *    }
 *    // Access a binary large object (does not throw, always returns a valid reference,
 *    // even if the key is not found - then a static const dummy instance is returned).
 *    const sw::resource_section::blob & blob = resources[key];
 *    // Get the name (==key) of the resource
 *    if(blob.path() != key) { cerr << "Weired bug in resource lib" << endl; return 1;  }
 *    // Get the offset (file seek position) in this binary where the tar header block
 *    // of this resource can be found. The data starts 512 bytes after that header.
 *    // If the resource is not found, the offset() is 0.
 *    sw::resource_section::position_type header_offset = blob.offset();
 *    sw::resource_section::position_type data_offset = blob.offset() + 512;
 *    // Get the length of the embedded file. The length does NOT include the tar header,
 *    // only the "payload" file data size. If the resource is not found/invalid, the size()
 *    // is 0.
 *    sw::resource_section::size_type sz = blob.size();
 *    // Load a resource (does not throw, except on exceptional STL container errors maybe)
 *    if(!resources.load(key)) {
 *      cerr << "Error loading resource: " << key << endl;
 *      return 1;
 *    }
 *    // Accessing allocated (loaded) data (returns valid pointer, not NULL)
 *    const void *data =;
 *    cout.write((const char*)data, sz);
 *    // Freeing the memory of a blob data. This does not clear the name, offset and size.
 *    // only the data.
 *    blob.clear();
 *    // Extract to external file
 *    if(!resources.extract(key, "/tmp/resource_test_extraction.tmp")) {
 *      cerr << "Error extracting resource: " << key << endl;
 *      return 1;
 *    }
 *    // Free all resource data buffers (not required due to the use of STL containers),
 *    // But this does not clear the index map.
 *    resources.clear();
 *    return 0;
 *  }
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Making the resource section:
 *  #
 *  # Compile
 *  #
 *  g++ -c $(CCFLAGS) -o main.o $(INCLUDE_PATH)
 *  #
 *  # Make USTAR blobres.tar
 *  #
 *  tar --group=nogroup --owner=nobody --dereference --recursion \
 *    --create --format=ustar --directory=$(MY_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY) -f blobres.tar .
 *  #
 *  # Make object from tar
 *  # NOTE: You must specify your elf type correctly, for 64bit PCs, it is "elf64-x86-64"
 *  # and "i386".
 *  #
 *  objcopy --input binary --output elf64-x86-64 --binary-architecture i386 --rename-section \
 *    .data=.blobres,load,readonly,data,contents blobres.tar blobres.o
 *  #
 *  # Tar not needed anymore
 *  #
 *  rm -f blobres.tar
 *  #
 *  # Link the objects
 *  #
 *  gcc -o app blobres.o main.o -lstdc++
 *  # Run programm
 *  ./app
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Notes:
 *  - The resource_section objects initialises during construction, indexing the embedded tar.
 *  - The resource_section objects are not thread synchronised, means if you have a global
 *    resource object and load/access data in more than one thread, then you have implement
 *    a locking mechanism. This does not apply when you instantiate an object for each thread.
 *    For thread safe loading use `bool load(const str_t & key, void *where, size_type size)`.
 *  - If the executable is not readable, the initialisation will fail, and valid() will be false.
 *  - Generally the use of exceptions is avoided in this class. Only STL containers may throw
 *    when memory allocation fails (or stack variables allocation errors). The `load()` method
 *    internally catches container allocation errors and returns false.
 *  - The integrity of the USTAR tar is not checked. That should be done before compiling/linking.
 *    Means: The tar type must be USTAR (`tar --format=ustar`), and the block header checksums
 *    are not validated. Only the block magick entry is checked. As the tar is USTAR, the file
 *    sizes are restricted to 8GB.
 *  - You can define an own section name for the "BLOB" section using `-DRESOURCE_SECTION_NAME=...`
 *    (default is: blobres), and you can strip characters from the beginning of the tar file paths
 *    with -DRESOURCE_TAR_NAME_STRIP=... Default is "./", which is the case when typing
 *    `tar [other options] --format=ustar -cf outfile.tar .` (tar the current directory, useful
 *    with the `--directory=` option).
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * +++ BSD license header +++
 * Copyright (c) 2008-2014, Stefan Wilhelm (stfwi, <cerbero s@atwilly>)
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: (1) Redistributions
 * of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions
 * and the following disclaimer. (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce
 * the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
 * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 * (3) Neither the name of nor the names of its contributors may be
 * used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// <editor-fold desc="preprocessor" defaultstate="collapsed">
/* Default resource blob section name */
/* Default file name correction: Remove leading "./" */
#if defined (__linux__) || defined (__linux)
  #include <linux/elf.h>
#elif defined(unix) || defined(__unix__) || defined(__unix) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || \
      defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__MACH__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || \
  #include <elf.h>
  #if defined (__FreeBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__)
    #include <sys/sysctl.h>
  #error "BLOB resource section storage not supported on this platform"
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <limits.h>
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold desc="basic_blob_section" defaultstate="collapsed">
namespace sw { namespace detail {
template <typename Position_Type=uint64_t, typename Size_Type=uint64_t>
class basic_resource_section
  class blob;
  typedef Position_Type position_type;
  typedef Size_Type size_type;
  typedef char char_t;
  typedef std::string str_t;
  typedef std::map<str_t, blob> blob_map_t;
   * Subclass blob, used for the individual resource entries
  class blob
    friend class basic_resource_section;
     * Standard constructor
    inline blob() : path_(), offset_(0), size_(0), data_()
    { ; }
     * Standard constructor
    inline blob(const str_t &path, position_type offs, size_type sz) : path_(path),
      offset_(offs), size_(sz), data_()
    { ; }
     * Copy constructor.
     * @param const blob& o
    inline blob(const blob& o) : path_(o.path_), offset_(o.offset_), size_(o.size_), data_(o.data_)
    { ; }
     * Assignment.
     * @param const blob& o
    inline blob& operator= (const blob& o)
    { path_=(o.path_); offset_=(o.offset_); size_=(o.size_); data_=(o.data_); return *this; }
     * Destructor
    virtual ~blob()
    { ; }
     * Returns if this instance is valid. All instances in the index map are,
     * but the basic_resource_section::_no_blob instance is not.
     * @return bool
    inline bool valid() const throw()
    { return offset_ != 0; }
     * Returns the name of the resource file. Empty string if not valid.
     * @return const str_t
    inline const str_t & path() const throw()
    { return path_; }
     * Returns the offset of the resource BLOB in this file
     * @return position_type
    inline position_type offset() const throw()
    { return offset_; }
     * Returns the size of the resource BLOB
     * @return size_type
    inline size_type size() const throw()
    { return size_; }
     * Returns pointer to the data buffer if the resource was loaded.
     * This data pointer is (or should be) never NULL when the object is constructed.
     * @return const void *
    inline const void * data() const throw()
    { return (void*); }
     * Returns the data as string, a reference to an empty string of not loaded.
     * @return const str_t
    inline const str_t & data_str() const throw()
    { return data_; }
     * Returns true if the resource data is present in memory
     * @return bool
    inline bool loaded() const throw()
    { return (offset_ != 0) && ((size_==0) || (data_.length()>0)); }
     * Unloads the resource. Name, size and offset remain unmodified.
    inline void clear()
    { data_.clear(); str_t s; s.swap(data_); }
    str_t path_;
    position_type offset_;
    size_type size_;
    str_t data_;
   * Constructor
  inline basic_resource_section() : position_(0), size_(0), blobs_(), valid_(false)
  { initialize(); }
   * Destructor
  virtual ~basic_resource_section()
  { ; }
  /** No copying */
  inline basic_resource_section(const basic_resource_section & o)
  { ; }
  /** No copying */
  basic_resource_section & operator = (const basic_resource_section & o)
  { ; }
   * Returns true if all initialisation steps succeeded and the instance is usable.
   * @return bool
  inline bool valid() const throw()
  { return valid_; }
   * Returns true if a resource defined by `key` exists.
   * @param const str_t & key
   * @return bool
  inline bool has(const str_t & key) const throw()
  { return blobs_.find(key) != blobs_.end(); }
   * Returns the path to the currently running application
   * @return const str_t &
  inline const str_t & application_path() const throw()
  { return app_path_; }
   * Returns the offset of the resource blob section in this binary
   * @return position_type
  inline position_type section_offset() const throw()
  { return position_; }
   * Returns the size of the resource blob section in this binary
   * @return size_type
  inline size_type section_size() const throw()
  { return size_; }
   * Returns the index map of the resource tar. Keys are the file names, values are
   * blob objects.
   * @return const blob_map_t &
  inline const blob_map_t & blobs() const throw()
  { return blobs_; }
  // Map wrappers for better accessibility.
   * blob_map_t Iterator.
  typedef typename blob_map_t::iterator iterator;
  typedef typename blob_map_t::const_iterator const_iterator;
   * Returns the begin of the blob map.
   * @return const_iterator
  inline const_iterator begin() const
  { return blobs_.begin(); }
   * Returns the begin of the blob map.
   * @return iterator
  inline iterator begin()
  { return blobs_.begin(); }
   * Returns the end of the blob map.
   * @return const_iterator
  inline const_iterator end() const
  { return blobs_.end(); }
   * Returns the end of the blob map.
   * @return iterator
  inline iterator end()
  { return blobs_.end(); }
   * Returns the resource blob object of the key `key` or a reference to a "not found"
   * instance
   * @param const str_t & key
   * @return const blob &
  inline const blob & operator[] (const str_t & key)
  { const_iterator it = blobs_.find(key); return (it != blobs_.end()) ? it->second : no_blob_; }
     * Free memory of the allocated (loaded) blobs, but not the index and the blob objects
     * themselves (name, size, and offset will be preserved).
    void clear()
    { for(iterator it = blobs_.begin(); it != blobs_.end(); ++it) it->second.clear(); }
     * Loads a resource into the instance data buffer (allocates). Only throws on unexpected
     * allocation errors.
     * @return bool
    bool load(const str_t & key)
      FILE *fp; // C style access without exceptions
      size_type len;
      iterator it = blobs_.find(key);
      if(it == blobs_.end()) return false;
      if(!it->second.offset() || it->second.path().empty()) return false;
      if(!it->second.size() || it->second.data_.length() > 0) return true;
      try { it->second.data_.reserve(size_); } catch(...) { return false; }
      #define clret() { fclose(fp); str_t s; s.swap(it->second.data_); return false; }
      #define BLOCKSZ sizeof(tar_ustar_t)
      if(!(fp = fopen(application_path().c_str(), "rb"))) return false;
      if(fseek(fp, it->second.offset()+BLOCKSZ, SEEK_SET)!=0) clret();
      len = it->second.size();
      size_type pos = 0;
      char buf[BLOCKSZ];
      while(len > 0) {
        size_t n = fread(buf, 1, len < BLOCKSZ ? len : BLOCKSZ, fp);
        if(!n) clret();
        for(register size_t i=0; i<n; ++i,++pos) it->second.data_ += buf[i]; // improve that
        len -= n;
      #undef BLOCKSZ
      #undef clret
      return true;
     * Loads a resource into a defined buffer. Only throws on unexpected allocation errors.
     * @return bool
    bool load(const str_t & key, void *where, size_type size)
      iterator it = blobs_.find(key);
      if(it == blobs_.end()) return false;
      if(!it->second.offset() || it->second.path().empty()) return false;
      if(!where || !size || size < it->second.size()) return false;
      #define clret() { fclose(fp); return false; }
      #define BLOCKSZ sizeof(tar_ustar_t)
      FILE *fp;
      if(!(fp = fopen(application_path().c_str(), "rb"))) return false;
      if(fseek(fp, it->second.offset()+BLOCKSZ, SEEK_SET)!=0) clret();
      size_type len = it->second.size();
      register char *pos = (char*) where;
      char buf[BLOCKSZ];
      while(len > 0) {
        size_t n = fread(buf, 1, len < BLOCKSZ ? len : BLOCKSZ, fp);
        if(!n) clret();
        for(register size_t i=0; i<n; ++i,++pos) *pos = buf[i];
        len -= n;
      #undef BLOCKSZ
      #undef clret
      return true;
     * Extracts the resource into a (file system) file. Does only throw on c++ allocation errors.
     * @return bool
    bool extract(const str_t & key, const str_t & file)
      FILE *fp, *ofp;
      size_type len;
      iterator it = blobs_.find(key);
      if(it == blobs_.end()) return false;
      if(!it->second.offset() || it->second.path().empty()) return false;
      if(!it->second.size() || it->second.data_.length() > 0) return true;
      #define clret() { fclose(fp); fclose(ofp); return false; }
      #define BLOCKSZ sizeof(tar_ustar_t)
      if(!(fp = fopen(application_path().c_str(), "rb"))) return false;
      if(!(ofp = fopen(file.c_str(), "wb"))) { fclose(fp); return false; }
      if(fseek(fp, it->second.offset()+BLOCKSZ, SEEK_SET)!=0) clret();
      len = it->second.size();
      char buf[BLOCKSZ];
      while(len > 0) {
        size_t n = fread(buf, 1, len < BLOCKSZ ? len : BLOCKSZ, fp);
        if(!n) clret();
        if(fwrite(buf, 1, n, ofp) != n) clret();
        len -= n;
      #undef BLOCKSZ
      #undef clret
      return true;
   * Determines the resource blob section file offset and size, as well as the file system path
   * to this program. `app_path` is a pointer to a readonly (write-once) static function variable,
   * the content is never set to NULL.
   * Returns 0 on success, nonzero on failure.
   * Note: Call this function once before starting threads to initialise write-once
   *       static variables.
   * Note: This function can be directly extracted to a C programs defining position_type
   *       and size_type == uint64_t. It is written in C style.
   * @param position_type *position
   * @param size_type *size
   * @param const char **app_path
   * @return int
  static int resource_section(position_type *position, size_type *size, const char **app_path) throw()
    /* ELF arch selection */
    #if (defined __IA64__ || defined __ia64__ || defined __x86_64__)
    #define Ehdr Elf64_Ehdr
    #define Shdr Elf64_Shdr
    #define clsid ELFCLASS64
    #define Ehdr Elf32_Ehdr
    #define Shdr Elf32_Shdr
    #define clsid ELFCLASS32
    #define clret() { fclose(fp); return -1; }
    #define seek_read(OUT, SIZE, POS) \
      if((fseek(fp, (POS), SEEK_SET)) || (fread(OUT, 1, (SIZE), fp) != (SIZE))) clret();
    /* Determine data */
    FILE *fp;
    char bf[64];
    Ehdr hd;
    Shdr sh;
    int64_t i, stab_adr;
    static char _app_path[PATH_MAX+1];
    if(position) *position = 0;
    if(size) *size = 0;
    if(app_path) *app_path = _app_path;
    do {
      memset(_app_path, 0, sizeof(_app_path));
      #if defined (__linux__)
      strncpy(_app_path, "/proc/self/exe", sizeof(_app_path)-1);
      #elif defined (__NetBSD__)
      strncpy(_app_path, "/proc/curproc/exe", sizeof(_app_path)-1);
      #elif defined (__FreeBSD__) || defined (__OpenBSD__)
      int ic[4];
      ic[0] = CTL_KERN; ic[1] = KERN_PROC; ic[2] = KERN_PROC_PATHNAME; ic[3] = -1;
      size_t sz = sizeof(_app_path)-1;
      if(sysctl(ic, 4, _app_path, &sz, NULL, 0)) _app_path[0] = '\0';
      #elif defined (__DragonFly__)
      strncpy(_app_path, "/proc/curproc/file", sizeof(_app_path)-1);
      #elif defined (__APPLE__) && __MACH__
      uint32_t sz = sizeof(_app_path);
      if(_NSGetExecutablePath(_app_path, &sz)) _app_path[0] = '\0';
    } while(0);
    if(!(fp = fopen(_app_path, "rb"))) return -1;
    seek_read(bf, EI_NIDENT, 0);
    if(strncmp(ELFMAG, bf, 4) || (!bf[EI_CLASS] || bf[EI_CLASS] > 2)) clret();
    if(bf[EI_CLASS] != clsid) { fclose(fp); return -2; } // Special error: Incorrect compilation
    seek_read(&hd, sizeof(Ehdr), 0);
    if(hd.e_shentsize != sizeof(Shdr)) clret();
    seek_read(&sh, sizeof(Shdr), hd.e_shoff + (hd.e_shstrndx*sizeof(Shdr)));
    stab_adr = sh.sh_offset;
    /* Iterate sections, check flags, type and name, conditionally set offset return 0==OK */
    for(i = hd.e_shnum-1; i >= 0; --i) {
      seek_read(&sh, sizeof(Shdr), hd.e_shoff + (i*sizeof(Shdr)));
      if(sh.sh_size && (sh.sh_type==SHT_PROGBITS) && !((sh.sh_flags & SHF_MASKPROC) & (~SHF_WRITE))) {
        memset(bf, 0, sizeof(bf));
        seek_read(bf, sizeof(bf)-1, stab_adr + sh.sh_name); /* tab is not at eof and strings 0 term */
        #define defined_strs(X) "." #X
        #define defined_str(X) defined_strs(X)
        if(strncmp(defined_str(RESOURCE_SECTION_NAME), bf, sizeof(bf)) == 0) {
          /* Section found */
          if(position) *position = sh.sh_offset;
          if(size) *size = sh.sh_size;
          return 0;
        #undef defined_str
        #undef defined_strs
    /* Prepr. cleanup */
    #undef seek_read
    #undef Ehdr
    #undef Shdr
    #undef clsid
    #undef clret
    return -666; /* Only called if there is a bug */
   * Initialises the object. No throw, except when adding the index to the _blobs map fails.
   * @return int
  int initialize()
    #define clret(E) { fclose(fp); return (E); }
    // Get section info
    FILE *fp;
    const char *app_path;
    position_type offset;
    size_type size;
    tar_ustar_t tar;
    position_type read_position;
    position_type end_position;
    char file_name[101];
    size_type file_size = 0;
    const position_type BSZ = sizeof(tar_ustar_t);
    if(resource_section(&offset, &size, &app_path) != 0) return -1;
    app_path_ = app_path;
    position_ = offset;
    size_ = size;
    // Tar index
    end_position = offset + (position_type)size;
    if(!(fp = fopen(app_path, "rb"))) return -1;
    if((fseek(fp, offset, SEEK_SET))) clret(-2);
    read_position = offset;
    while(read_position < end_position) {
      if(fread(&tar, 1, BSZ, fp) != BSZ) clret(-3);
      if(strncmp(tar.magic, "ustar", 5) != 0) {
        int i;
        if(read_position == offset) clret(-4);
        for(i=0; i<(512/4); ++i) if(((uint32_t*)&tar)[i] != 0) clret(-5); // Check tar EOF
      // Block check, only regular files are used.
      if(strncmp(tar.version, "00", 2) != 0) clret(-6);
      if(tar.typeflag != '0') {
        file_size = 0;
      } else {
        do { // Name
          strncpy(file_name,, sizeof(file_name)-1);
          file_name[sizeof(file_name)-1] = '\0';
          if(file_name[0] == '\0') clret(-7);
        } while(0);
        int i;
        for(file_size=0, i=0; i<11; ++i) { // Size: 11 octal bits + space
          if(tar.size[i]<'0' || tar.size[i]>'7') clret(-8);
          file_size <<= 3;
          file_size += tar.size[i] - '0';
        do {
          str_t s = file_name;
          if(s.find(RESOURCE_TAR_NAME_STRIP) == 0) {
            if(s.length() <= strlen(RESOURCE_TAR_NAME_STRIP)) break;
            s = s.substr(strlen(RESOURCE_TAR_NAME_STRIP));
          blob b(s, read_position, file_size);
          blobs_[s] = b;
        } while(0);
      read_position += BSZ + ((file_size==0) ? 0 : (((file_size+BSZ-1)/BSZ) * BSZ));
      if((::fseek(fp, read_position, SEEK_SET))) clret(-9);
    valid_ = true;
    #undef clret
    return 0;
   * Auxiliary structure for STAR tape archive format
  typedef struct { char
    name[100], mode[8], uid[8], gid[8], size[12], mtime[12], chksum[8], typeflag, linkname[100],
    magic[6], version[2], uname[32], gname[32], devmajor[8], devminor[8], prefix[155], z_resrv[12];
  } tar_ustar_t;
  // Instance variables
  str_t app_path_;
  position_type position_;
  size_type size_;
  blob_map_t blobs_;
  bool valid_;
  static const blob no_blob_;
template <typename P, typename SZ>
const typename basic_resource_section<P,SZ>::blob basic_resource_section<P,SZ>::no_blob_;
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold desc="specialisation" defaultstate="collapsed">
namespace sw {
  typedef detail::basic_resource_section<> resource_section;
// </editor-fold>