Kommandozeilen I/O Klasse
Command line i/o class
This is a simple wrapper class for getting arguments (more elaborated than getopt
) and
printing to stdout
and stderr
with colors.
Dies ist eine simple Wrapperklasse, um Kommanrozeilenargumente (besser als mit getopt
einzulesen, sowie auf stdout
und stderr
mit Farbigem Text auszugeben.
Sample source code
use sw\CommandLineInterface as cli;
// Parses the command line arguments and detects parameters.
// You can specify boolean options (e.g. --help, -h, --verbose) that evaluate
// to TRUE if they appear in the arument list.
// Returns an array containing the key-value paramters and positional
// arguments.
// Parameters are detected allowing the following formats:
// --<KEY>=<VALUE>
// --<KEY>= <VALUE>
// --<KEY> = <VALUE>
// -<KEY> <VALUE>
// -<OPT1><OPT2><OPT3><KEY> <VALUE>
// Examples:
// ./myscript -vczf 'file name' (e.g. like tar command)
// ./myscript -v -c -z -f 'file'
// ./myscript --verbose -c -z --file='file'
// ./myscript -abc --key= value -- only positional arguments follow
// Here we use -h, -v, --help, --verbose as boolean options
$args = cli::getargs(array('h', 'v', 'help', 'verbose'));
// The text representation of the returned array
$args_text = print_r($args, true) . "\n";
// We colorise this is to demonstrate the class color constants:
$replace = array(
"|( \[.*?\] )|smix" => cli::COLOR_FG_RED . "$1" . cli::COLOR_NO,
"|( Array\s*\( )|smix" => cli::COLOR_FG_BLUE . "$1" . cli::COLOR_NO,
"|( \) )|smix" => cli::COLOR_FG_BLUE . "$1" . cli::COLOR_NO,
"|( => )|smix" => cli::COLOR_FG_GREEN . "$1" . cli::COLOR_NO,
$args_text = preg_replace(array_keys($replace), $replace, $args_text);
// And we print it to stderr
cli::stderr("\n" . $args_text . "\n\n");
$php cli.test.php -v --verbose --key1=value1 -key2 value2 -- DASH -NOT --INTERPRETED HERE
[0] => cli.test.php
[v] => 1
[verbose] => 1
[key1] => value1
[k] => 1
[e] => 1
[y] => 1
[2] => value2
[3] => DASH
[4] => -NOT
[6] => HERE
Class source code
* Command line interface related functions
* @gpackage de.atwillys.sw.php.swLib
* @author Stefan Wilhelm
* @copyright Stefan Wilhelm, 2007-2012
* @license GPL2
* @version 1.0
namespace sw;
class CommandLineInterface {
* Color codes
const COLOR_NO = "\033[0m";
const COLOR_DEFAULT = "\033[0m";
const COLOR_NORMAL = "\033[0m";
const COLOR_FG_BLACK = "\033[0;30m";
const COLOR_FG_DARK_GRAY = "\033[1;30m";
const COLOR_FG_BLUE = "\033[0;34m";
const COLOR_FG_LIGHT_BLUE = "\033[1;34m";
const COLOR_FG_GREEN = "\033[0;32m";
const COLOR_FG_LIGHT_GREEN = "\033[1;32m";
const COLOR_FG_CYAN = "\033[0;36m";
const COLOR_FG_LIGHT_CYAN = "\033[1;36m";
const COLOR_FG_RED = "\033[0;31m";
const COLOR_FG_LIGHT_RED = "\033[1;31m";
const COLOR_FG_PURPLE = "\033[0;35m";
const COLOR_FG_LIGHT_PURPLE = "\033[1;35m";
const COLOR_FG_BROWN = "\033[0;33m";
const COLOR_FG_YELLOW = "\033[1;33m";
const COLOR_FG_LIGHT_GRAY = "\033[0;37m";
const COLOR_FG_WHITE = "\033[1;37m";
const COLOR_BG_BLACK = "\033[40m";
const COLOR_BG_RED = "\033[41m";
const COLOR_BG_GREEN = "\033[42m";
const COLOR_BG_YELLOW = "\033[43m";
const COLOR_BG_BLUE = "\033[44m";
const COLOR_BG_MAGENTA = "\033[45m";
const COLOR_BG_CYAN = "\033[46m";
const COLOR_BG_LIGHT_GRAY = "\033[47m";
* @function getargs
* Program argument parsing. $flag_params describes flag options without values.
* Returns empty array on error.
* Test code: print_r(getargs(array('a','b','alpha')));
* Test command: ./getargs -xvzf 'last character is value option' \
* -xya 'a is bool, so this is a positional argument'\
* --alpha 'alpha is bool, this is positional as well'\
* --value1='text-value' --value2 'no "=" notation'\
* --\
* '+++ only positional follow after "--" +++'\
* --help\
* -abc
* @author stfwi
* @license GPL2
* @param array $bool_opts = array()
* @return array
* @throws -
public static function getargs($bool_opts = array()) {
if (!isset($GLOBALS['argv']) || empty($GLOBALS['argv'])) {
return array();
$args = $GLOBALS['argv'];
$return = array();
while (list($k, $arg) = each($args)) {
if (strlen($arg) == 0) {
// argument is empty string '', as positional argument
$return[] = $arg;
} else if ($arg == '--') {
// End of options, only operands follow (positional arguments)
while (list($k, $arg) = each($args)) {
$return[] = $arg;
return $return;
} else if (strpos($arg, '--') === 0) {
$arg = ltrim($arg, '-');
if (in_array($arg, $bool_opts)) {
$return[$arg] = true;
} else if (strpos($arg, '=') !== false) {
// Covers --arg=something, '--arg = something' and --arg=
$arg = explode('=', $arg, 2);
$return[trim($arg[0])] = trim($arg[1]);
} else {
// Problematic, could be --name '-=[MEEEEE]=-', or --verbose -k, we assume
// the first as --verbose should be otherwise defined in $bool_opts.
if (current($args) !== false) {
// There is another arg after this one --> value
list($k, $v) = each($args);
$return[$arg] = $v;
} else {
// Then a unspecified bool option? Preferred
$return[$arg] = '';
} else if ($arg == '-') {
// This is an error as positional argument (if no value of another argument)
$return[] = $arg;
} else if (strpos($arg, '-') === 0) {
// "-" args can have only one character, can have a value following but
// no "=", like "-k=1". In short notation, the last character can denote
// a value arg.
$arg = str_split(trim($arg, '- '));
$last = array_pop($arg);
// The first are all bool
foreach ($arg as $v) {
$return[$v] = true;
// The last has to be checked for bool, otherwise value arg
if (in_array($last, $bool_opts)) {
$return[$last] = true;
} else if (current($args) !== false) {
list($k, $v) = each($args);
$return[$last] = $v;
} else {
$return[$last] = true;
} else {
$return[] = $arg;
return $return;
* Prints to STDOUT
* @param string $text
* @return void
public static function stdout($text) {
* Prints to STDERR
* @param string $text
* @return void
public static function stderr($text) {
@file_put_contents('php://stderr', self::COLOR_FG_RED . "$text" . self::COLOR_NO, FILE_APPEND);