GIT repositories

Index page of all the GIT repositories that are clonable form this server via HTTPS. Übersichtsseite aller GIT-Repositories, die von diesem Server aus über git clone (HTTPS) erreichbar sind.


A bunch of service scripts to convert, analyse and generate data. Ein paar Services zum Konvertieren, Analysieren und Generieren von Daten.

GNU octave web interface

A web interface for GNU Octave, which allows to run scientific calculations from netbooks, tables or smartphones. The interface provides a web form generator for Octave script parameters with pre-validation, automatic script list generation, as well presenting of output text, figures and files in a output HTML page. Ein Webinterface für GNU-Octave, mit dem wissenschaftliche Berechnungen von Netbooks, Tablets oder Smartphones aus durchgeführt werden können. Die Schnittstelle beinhaltet einen Formulargenerator für Octave-Scriptparameter, mit Einheiten und Einfabevalidierung. Textausgabe, Abbildungen und generierte Dateien werden abgefangen und in einer HTML-Seite dem Nutzer als Ergebnis zur Verfügung gestellt.

Drupal 7 mit SabreDAV verknüpfen

Connect Drupal 7 to SabreDAV

One of the best Apache2 compatible WebDAV server implementations is the object oriented PHP implementation SabreDAV. If you use a Drupal for your content management and like to add a WebDAV file storage, you can connect SabreDAV to the Drupal user database. You can to this by using the Drupal module "User Data Connector" ( , the project is used in the implementation of the Sabre_DAV_Auth_IBackend interface, as shown in this source code:

Eine der besten Apache2-kompatiblen WebDAV-Servervarianten ist die objektorientierte PHP-Implementation SabreDAV. Wenn als CMS Drupal verwendet wird und die dort registrierten Nutzer auch Zugriff auf WebDAV haben sollen, so kann mit ein paar Zeilen ein kleiner SabreDAV-Backend implementiert werden, dass über das Drupal User Connector Modul die Nutzerabfrage an Drupal weiterleitet:

SabreDAV BasicAuth backend class

require_once 'Sabre/autoload.php';
 * DP connected user authentification
class Sabre_DAV_Auth_Backend_Basic_DrupalConnected implements Sabre_DAV_Auth_IBackend {
     * @var DrupalUserAuth
    public $dpu = null;
    public $udcClassesLocation = null;
     * Returns information about the currently logged in username.
     * If nobody is currently logged in, this method should return null.
     * @return string|null
    public function getCurrentUser() {
        return !$this->dpu ? null : $this->dpu->name;
     * Authenticates the user based on the current request.
     * If authentication is succesful, true must be returned.
     * If authentication fails, an exception must be thrown.
     * @throws Sabre_DAV_Exception_NotAuthenticated
     * @return bool
    public function authenticate(Sabre_DAV_Server $server,$realm) {
        // Assuming we only accept https for basic auth
        if(!isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) || $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'on') {
            throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception_NotAuthenticated('HTTPS only');
        // Prepare SabreDav auth instances, get user & password pair
        $auth = new Sabre_HTTP_BasicAuth();
        $userpass = $auth->getUserPass();
        // Pre check
        if(!$userpass) {
            throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception_NotAuthenticated('No basic authentication headers were found');
        // Include UDC
        if(empty($this->udcClassesLocation)) {
          $this->udcClassesLocation = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/sites/all/modules/udc/client';
        } else {
          $this->udcClassesLocation = rtrim($this->udcClassesLocation, '/');
        require_once($this->udcClassesLocation . '/');
        // The token used to connect to DP
        // Authentification request
        $dpu = new DrupalUserAuth();
            $userpass[0],    // user name
            $userpass[1],     // pass
            null,            // email
            true,            // active users only
            null            // no profile fields to fetch
        // Validation
        if (!$dpu->valid) {
            throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception_NotAuthenticated('Username or password does not match');
        } else {
            $this->dpu = $dpu;
            return true;

SabreDAV init

require_once 'Sabre_DAV_Auth_Backend_Basic_DrupalConnected.class.php';
// Directory structure of this sample code:
// drwx  - document root (www-data)
// dr-x     - webdav
// -r--        - index.php
// drwx        - davfiles
//                 (DAV FILES ARE IN HERE)
// drw-        - data
// -rw-           - locks
// dr-x        - Sabre
$rootDirectory = new Sabre_DAV_FS_Directory('davfiles');
$server = new Sabre_DAV_Server($rootDirectory);
// The lock manager is reponsible for making sure users don't overwrite each others changes.
// Change 'data' to a different directory, if you're storing your data somewhere else.
$lockBackend = new Sabre_DAV_Locks_Backend_File('data/locks');
$lockPlugin = new Sabre_DAV_Locks_Plugin($lockBackend);
$authBackend = new Sabre_DAV_Auth_Backend_Basic_DrupalConnected();
$authPlugin = new Sabre_DAV_Auth_Plugin($authBackend,'WebDAV area');
$server->exec(); // All we need to do now, is to fire up the server