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A bunch of service scripts to convert, analyse and generate data. Ein paar Services zum Konvertieren, Analysieren und Generieren von Daten.

GNU octave web interface

A web interface for GNU Octave, which allows to run scientific calculations from netbooks, tables or smartphones. The interface provides a web form generator for Octave script parameters with pre-validation, automatic script list generation, as well presenting of output text, figures and files in a output HTML page. Ein Webinterface für GNU-Octave, mit dem wissenschaftliche Berechnungen von Netbooks, Tablets oder Smartphones aus durchgeführt werden können. Die Schnittstelle beinhaltet einen Formulargenerator für Octave-Scriptparameter, mit Einheiten und Einfabevalidierung. Textausgabe, Abbildungen und generierte Dateien werden abgefangen und in einer HTML-Seite dem Nutzer als Ergebnis zur Verfügung gestellt.

C++ Morotola S-Record Parser/Composer/Bearbeitung Klassen-Template

C++ Morotola S-Record parser/composer/modification class template

Dieses Stück Quelltext ist als Nebenprodukt eines Projekts abgefallen, in das ich involviert war. Sie dient dazu die Binärdaten einer S-Record Datei (.s19/.s28/.s37/.srec) einzulesen, auszugeben, Addressbereiche hinzuzufügen, zu überschreiben, zu löschen und auch um bestimmte Bytefolgen darin zu finden. Da es ein Klassentemplate ist müsst ihr nur den Header einbinden, dann sollte es schon gehen. Am besten eine IDE wie Eclipse oder Netbeans verwenden, da funktioniert die "Code Completion" wegen den verwendeten Javadoc-Kommentaren gut. Der Kompiler muss c++11 können. Getestet mit g++/debian und mingw32-64.

In aller Kürze das Konzept (wenn nicht das S-Record Format nicht bekannt ist am Besten nochmal in der Wikipedia nachschlagen). Letztendlich ist der Kern des Dateifromats, dass mit Datenzeilen angegben wird, dass bestimmte Bytefolgen an bestimmte Addressen gehören. Meist sind die Startaddressen jeder Zeile so, dass sie gerade ans Ende der vorgehenden Zeile anknüfen, d.h. Binärdaten mehrerer Zeilen sind zusammenhängend. Das gilt aber nicht für alle, denn manchmal sind einfach Blöcke dazwischen frei, also undefiniert.

This piece of code is a side product of a project, and I decided to push it under BSD. It can be used to read, write and modify Motorola S-Record file formats (.s19/.s28/.s37/.srec). You can also search the binary data for a byte sequence. As this is a class template you just need to include the header to get it running. Code comments are JavaDoc style, and you must compile with a c++11 compliant toolchain. I developed/tested with g++ and mingw32-64.



srecord.hh example example S19 file



#include "srecord.hh"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
using sw::srecord;
Contents of file example.s19:
using namespace std;
using sw::srecord;
 * Example main
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  // Simply a file path as first program argument.
  string example_file = (argc > 1 && argv[1]) ? argv[1] : "";
  // Parsing and getting record information.
  // Parse from file:
  cout << "1. Loading a file ..." << endl;
  srecord srec;
  if(!srec.load(example_file, srec)) {
    cout << "Failed to load S-record file '" << example_file << "': '"
         << srec.error_message() << "'. " << endl
         << "The problem is at line " << srec.parser_line() << endl
  cout << "Loaded file. Dump is:" << endl;
  // -->
  //  srec {
  //   data type: S1
  //   blocks: [
  //      <00000000> 7C08 02A6 9001 0004 9421 FFF0 7C6C 1B78
  //      <00000010> 7C8C 2378 3C60 0000 3863 0000 4BFF FFE5
  //      <00000020> 3980 0000 7D83 6378 8001 0014 3821 0010
  //      <00000030> 7C08 03A6 4E80 0020 4865 6C6C 6F20 776F
  //      <00000040> 726C 642E 0A00
  //   ]
  //  }
  cout << endl << "The S0 header as string is: '" << srec.header_str() << "'" << endl;
  // ---> "The S0 header as string is: 'hello!'"
  // Returns the type of the record, 1 for S1, 2 for S2, 3 for S3.
  cout << "The address type is: '" << (int)srec.type() << "'" << endl;
  // ---> "The address type is: '1'"
  // There is also an enumeration for setting and checking that:
  if(srec.type() == srecord::type_s1_16bit) {
    cout <<  "(The address type is 16 bit addresses)" << endl;
  } else {
    cout <<  "(The address type is not 16 bit addresses)" << endl;
  // Returns the start address of the whole file. This does not include the S9/S8/S7
  // start address definition.
  cout << "The first address of the whole file is: 0x" << hex << srec.sadr() << endl;
  // ---> "The first address of the whole file is: 0x0"
  // Returns the end address of the last block. That is not the last valid byte, but one
  // beyond - means the usage is like iterators begin() and end() usage.
  cout << "The last address of the whole file is: 0x" << hex << srec.eadr() << endl;
  // ---> "The last address of the whole file is: 0x46"
  // As the information in the address lines do not need represent one big data block bigger and
  // smaller (unconnected) address ranges, the srecord instance deals with blocks. That is simply
  // a vector (or other STL container) of srecord::block_type:
  cout << endl << "The file is divided in " << srec.blocks().size() << " unconnected blocks" << endl;
  // ---> "The file is divided in 1 unconnected blocks"
  // File structure: Blocks.
  // The file data is saved as an STL container (default: std::vector) if srecord::block_type
  // instances. These object basically have a start address and an container of bytes saved.
  // The remaining methods are convenience wrappers. When you use the template
  // sw::detail::basic_srecord<ValueType, ContainerType> you can set the byte type and the
  // container yourself, but the ValueType should be 8 bit and the container must be a
  // dynamic size random access container, such as deque<> or vector<>, (but not e.g. array<>).
  // However, normally the specialisation class sw::srecord, which is simply
  //   `namespace sw { typedef detail::basic_srecord<unsigned char> srecord; }`
  // should be already exactly what you want.
  // Lets look into the first block of the file ..
  if(!srec.blocks().empty()) {
    srecord::block_type& first = srec.blocks().front();
    cout << "The first block start address is 0x" << hex << first.sadr() << "." << endl;
    // --> The first block start address is 0x0.
    cout << "The first block end address is 0x" << hex << first.eadr() << "." << endl;
    // --> The first block end address is 0x46.
    // As known from containers, the block_type supports for ease of programming swap(),
    // clear(), size(), and empty().
    cout << "The first block is " << (first.empty() ? "" : "not ") << "empty." << endl;
    // Returns the size of the byte vector.
    cout << "The first has " << dec << first.size() << " data bytes." << endl;
    // --> The first has 70 data bytes.
    // So, byte operations are simple std::vector access operations.
    cout << "After resizing only " << dec << first.size() << " data bytes." << endl;
    // So, byte operations are simple std::vector access operations.
    cout << "These bytes are (hex): ";
    // or for(auto e: first.bytes()) { ... }
    for(size_t i=0; i < first.bytes().size(); ++i) {
      cout << hex << (int) first.bytes()[i] << " ";
    cout << endl;
    // --> These bytes are (hex): 7c 8 2 a6 90 1 0 4 94 21 ff f0 7c 6c 1b
    // And we cah change the start address of this block:
    cout << "The first block start address is now 0x" << hex << first.sadr() << "." << endl;
    // --> The first block start address is now 0x1000.
    cout << "The first block end address is now 0x" << hex << first.eadr() << "." << endl;
    // --> The first block end address is now 0x101a.
    // The address range of `srec` changes accordingly:
    cout << "The first address of the whole file is now: 0x" << hex << srec.sadr() << endl;
    cout << "The last address of the whole file is now: 0x" << hex << srec.eadr() << endl;
    // --> The first address of the whole file is now: 0x1000
    // --> The last address of the whole file is now: 0x101a
    // Additionally you can fetch a copy of block bytes by defining start and end address,
    // both are absolute, so if the block is not in range between these addresses, an empty
    // result will be returned. The result itself is again a block_type.
      // That will be empty, as the block starts now at 0x1000.
      srecord::block_type block = first.get_range(0x100, 0x200);
      cout << "Fetched range form first block (0x100 --> 0x200) is: ";
      cout << endl;
      // ---> "Fetched range form first block (0x100 --> 0x200) is: (empty block)"
      // That will be the whole block
      srecord::block_type block = first.get_range(0x0000, 0x2000);
      cout << "Fetched range form first block (0x0 --> 0x2000) is: ";
      cout << endl;
      // --> "Fetched range form first block (0x0 --> 0x2000) is: <00001000> 7C08 02A6 9001 0004 9421 FFF0 7C6C 1B78"
      // That will be the whole block
      srecord::block_type block = first.get_range(0x1002, 0x1005);
      cout << "Fetched range form first block (0x1002 --> 0x1005) is: ";
      cout << endl;
      // --> "Fetched range form first block (0x1002 --> 0x1005) is: <00001000>      02A6 90"
  // Fetching, removing and modifying address ranges
  // The easiest way to set and get data from the srecord is to use address range based methods.
  // They get or return block copies, so that the integrity of the record ensured - that would be
  // more difficult with references.
  // Adding a block, option 1: make one and add it:
    srecord::block_type new_block;
  // Adding a block, option 2: directly from start address and data:
    srec.set_range(0x3000, {7,6,5,4,3,2,1});
  cout << "srec after adding two blocks:" << endl;
  cout << endl;
  // srec {
  // data type: S1
  // blocks: [
  //    <00001000> 7C08 02A6 9001 0004 9421 FFF0 7C6C 1B78
  //    <00002100> 0001 0203 0405 0607 0809
  //    <00003000> 0706 0504 0302 01
  //  ]
  // }
  // Modifying a block: Same as adding a block
    srec.set_range(0x3000, {0xff,0xfe,0xfd});
  cout << "srec after modifying:" << endl;
  cout << endl;
  // srec {
  //  data type: S1
  //  blocks: [
  //     <00001000> 7C08 02A6 9001 0004 9421 FFF0 7C6C 1B78
  //     <00002100> 0001 0203 0405 0607 0809
  //     <00003000> FFFE FD04 0302 01
  //  ]
  // }
  // Removing data:
  srec.remove_range(0x2000, 0x3004);
  cout << "srec after removing data:" << endl;
  cout << endl;
  //  srec {
  //   data type: S1
  //   blocks: [
  //      <00001000> 7C08 02A6 9001 0004 9421 FFF0 7C6C 1B78
  //      <00003000>           0302 01
  //   ]
  //  }
  // Merging more blocks to one block, where the gaps are filled with
  // either a default value or a value specified as method argument:
  // (But first we move the second block up a bit as the dump() would be
  // quite large otherwise.). Now it depends on your application what
  // value you want to have there: For RAM these gaps maybe should be 0,
  // for FLASH it can be 0xff (erased state).
  cout << "srec after moving the second to 0x1035 and merging the two blocks:" << endl;
  cout << endl;
  //  srec {
  //   data type: S1
  //   blocks: [
  //      <00001000> 7C08 02A6 9001 0004 9421 FFF0 7C6C 1B78
  //      <00001030> FFFF FFFF FF03 0201
  //   ]
  //  }
  // If we remove a range, blocks might be split:
  srec.remove_range(0x1014, 0x1032);
  cout << "srec after removing range 0x1014 --> 0x1032:" << endl;
  cout << endl;
  //  srec {
  //   data type: S1
  //   blocks: [
  //      <00001000> 7C08 02A6 9001 0004 9421 FFF0 7C6C 1B78
  //      <00001010> FFFF FFFF
  //      <00001030>      FFFF FF03 0201
  //   ]
  //  }
  // Finding/searching data
  // The method `find()` allows to search for a byte sequence in the record:
  // If the method did not find the sequence, it returns srec.eadr(), which is similar
  // to the STL container.end() convention.
  // If you have already a vector ...
    std::vector<unsigned char> bytes{ 0xff, 0xff, 0x03 };
    unsigned long address = srec.find(bytes);
    if(address == srec.eadr()) {
      cout << "{ 0xff, 0xff, 0x03 } not found." << endl;
    } else {
      cout << "{ 0xff, 0xff, 0x03 } found at address 0x" << hex << address << endl;
    // --> { 0xff, 0xff, 0x03 } found at address 0x1033
    // Or simply by rvalue. Note, always the first match is returned ....
    srecord::address_type first_match = srec.find({0xff, 0xff, 0xff});
    cout << "{ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff } first found at 0x" << hex << first_match << endl;
    // ---> { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff } first found at 0x1010
    // .... to search more matches specify a search start address:
    unsigned search_start_address = first_match + 3;
    auto next_match = srec.find({0xff, 0xff, 0xff}, search_start_address);
    cout << "{ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff } next_match found at 0x" << hex << next_match << endl;
    // ---> { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff } next_match found at 0x1032
  // Composing
  // Option 1: using compose()
    std::stringstream ss;
    unsigned line_length = 16;
    if(!srec.compose(ss, line_length)) {
      cout << "Failed to compose: " << srec.error_message() << endl;
  // Option 2: ostream shifting. The line length is the set to a sensible default.
    cout << endl << "Composed srec = " << endl;
    cout << srec << endl;
    if(!srec.good()) {
      cout << "Error composing: " << srec.error_message() << endl;
    //  S00F000068656C6C6F212020202000003B
    //  S11510007C0802A6900100049421FFF07C6C1B78FFFFFC
    //  S1051012FFFFDA
    //  S1091032FFFFFF030201B1
    //  S5030003F9
    //  S9030000FC
    // We can also change the type to 32 bit addresses - just for fun here, no need to do that.
    cout << endl << "Composed srec with 32 bit addresses = " << endl;
    cout << srec << endl;
    //  S0110000000068656C6C6F2120202020000039
    //  S319000010007C0802A6900100049421FFF07C6C1B78FFFFFFFFFA
    //  S30B00001032FFFFFF030201AF
    //  S5030002FA
    //  S70500000000FA
    // and 24 bit addresses for having it complete:
    cout << endl << "Composed srec with 24 bit addresses = " << endl;
    cout << srec << endl;
    //  S01000000068656C6C6F212020202000003A
    //  S2180010007C0802A6900100049421FFF07C6C1B78FFFFFFFFFB
    //  S20A001032FFFFFF030201B0
    //  S5030002FA
    //  S804000000FB
  // Alternative parsing how the class parses
  // - The parser generally ignored whitespaces.
  // - The parser is generally case insensitive, so "S0" and "s0" are identical.
  // - It expects the stream or string to start with S0.
  // - It continues parsing until it finds the S7/S8/S9 end of block marker.
  // - Streams are left untouched after that.
  // - If any parse error occurs, the `error()` (an enum), the `error_message()` (string)
  //   and the `srec.parser_line()` help to determine where which problem was.
  // Option 1: parse from string:
      "s0 0f 0000 68656c6c6f21202020200000  3b\n"
      "S1 1F00007C0802A69001000\t49421FFF07C6C1B787C8C23783C6000003863000026\r\n"
      "S1 1F001C4BFFFFE5398000007D83637880010014382100107C0803A64E800020E9\n"
      "S1 11 0038 48656C6C6F20776F726C642E0A00 42\n"
      "S5  030003F9\n"
    ))) {
      cerr << "Error " << dec << (long)srec.error() << " (" << srec.error_message()
           << ") at line " << srec.parser_line() << endl;
    } else {
      cout << endl << "String parsed record:" << endl;
  // Option 2: parse stream:
    std::stringstream ss(
    // Possibility to check for errors: either check `srec.error() == srecord::e_ok` or simply
    // ask if it still feels good - like known from iostreams:
    // Let's also go through the error enumeration - which is normally not really interesting,
    // either the file or stream is correct or not. If, however, you want not just to show the
    // error message, which prints already the details what's wrong, but want to fix stuff
    // automatically etc, this can be interesting:
    if(!srec.good()) {
      switch(srec.error()) {
        // Parser
        case srecord::e_parse_chcksum_incorrect:
          // Each line has a checksum, not a good one but it's a checksum and the parser
          // complains if it does not match.
        case srecord::e_parse_duplicate_data_count:
          // More than one S5 line found.
        case srecord::e_parse_duplicate_start_address:
          // More than one S7/S8/S9 found.
        case srecord::e_parse_invalid_line_length:
          // That is a string pre-check error. A line cannot be correct if it has more
          // than 512 character, less than 10 characters or has no even number of characters,
          // as all values are bytes plus the beginning "S<number>".
        case srecord::e_parse_invalid_record_type:
          // Raised when the parser sees an "S4", which is not defined.
        case srecord::e_parse_length_mismatch:
          // Each line contains its length specification. This error is set when this length
          // does not match the real byte count of the line.
        case srecord::e_parse_line_count_mismatch:
          // S5 (optional) specifies how many data lines (S1/S2/S3) are in the block. If this
          // count does not match, you'll get this error.
        case srecord::e_parse_missing_data_lines:
          // This error is set if there are no data lines at all (S1/S2/S3).
        case srecord::e_parse_missing_s0:
          // Raised if there is no S0 block header. In the S-Record spec this is mandatory.
        case srecord::e_parse_s0_address_nonzero:
          // According to S-Record spec the address of the S0 header line has to be 0x0000.
        case srecord::e_parse_startaddress_vs_data_type_mismatch:
          // This error is set if e.g. the data lines are S1, but the termination line not S9,
          // but S8 or S7. Means, the termination line type must match the data line type.
        case srecord::e_parse_unacceptable_character:
          // Not a hex character and no starting "S"
        // Validator
        case srecord::e_validate_overlapping_blocks:
          // Set when the file contains somehow data that shall be written to the same
          // addresses. E.g. at address 0x0000 32 bytes and then at address 0x0010 e.g. 16 bytes.
          // That would mean that the range 0x0010 to 0x0020 is overlapping and is not ok.
        case srecord::e_validate_record_type_to_small:
          // Happens when the file says "S1", but an address to write is actually bigger than
          // 16 bit. Then S2 (24bit addresses) or S3 (32bit addresses) must be used.
        case srecord::e_validate_blocks_unordered:
          // Should not happen after parsing, as parse() sorts the blocks by start address.
          // However, before composing() or when you call srec.validate() you might get this
          // error if you made changes.
        case srecord::e_validate_no_binary_data:
          // There there are no data lines. Also more a problem when modifying.
        case srecord::e_ok:
          // That does not happen here because of the surrounding "if(!srec.good()) { ...",
          // and srec.good() is a wrapper for `srec.error() == e_ok`.
          cout << "Error parsing stream ..." << srec.error_message()
               << "@line " << srec.parser_line()
               << endl; // handling as above
    } else {
      cout << endl << "Parsed srecord is: " << endl;
      cout << endl;


Source code

 * @package
 * @license BSD (simplified)
 * @author Stefan Wilhelm (stfwi)
 * @file srec.hh
 * @ccflags
 * @ldflags
 * @platform linux, bsd, windows
 * @standard >= c++11
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Motorolla SRECORD file parsing / modification / composition.
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * +++ BSD license header (You know that ...) +++
 * Copyright (c) 2008-2014, Stefan Wilhelm (stfwi, <cerbero s@atwilly>)
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
 * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: (1) Redistributions
 * of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions
 * and the following disclaimer. (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce
 * the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
 * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 * (3) Neither the name of nor the names of its contributors may be
 * used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="preprocessor">
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <deque>
  #define SRECORD_DEBUG(X) { std::cerr << X << std::endl; std::cerr.flush(); /* normally endl flushes, too */ }
  #define SRECORD_DEBUG(X)
// </editor-fold>
namespace sw { namespace detail {
template <typename ValueType, typename RandomAccessValueContainerType=std::vector<ValueType> >
class basic_srecord
  // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="types">
   * Binary value of each data word. Should be unsigned char
   * or char / uint8_t/int8_t.
  typedef ValueType value_type;
   * RandomAccessContainer of value_types, e.g.
   * vector or deque. Must support random access
   * iteration and index element access.
  typedef RandomAccessValueContainerType data_type;
   * Type for sizes.
  typedef size_t size_type;
   * The type for addresses.
  typedef unsigned long address_type;
   * The type for storing the "type" of a record,
   * that is 1 for S1 (16bit address), 2 for S2 (24bit)
   * and 3 for S3 (32bit).
  typedef enum {
    type_undefined = 0,
    type_s1_16bit = 1,
    type_s2_24bit = 2,
    type_s3_32bit = 3,
  } record_type_type;
   * Error type.
  typedef enum {
    e_ok = 0,
  } error_type;
  // </editor-fold>
  // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="block_type">
   * Type for each connected data block. Blocks have
   * a start address and binary data with a defined
   * size. (note: this class is subclassed as it depends
   * on template parameters of basic_srecord.
  class block_type
     * c'tor
    explicit block_type() : address_(0), bytes_()
    { }
     * c'tor
    explicit block_type(address_type adr) : address_(adr), bytes_()
    { }
     * c'tor
    explicit block_type(address_type adr, const data_type& data) : address_(adr), bytes_(data)
    { }
     * c'tor
    explicit block_type(address_type adr, data_type&& data) : address_(adr), bytes_(std::move(data))
    { }
     * Returns the start address of this block.
     * @return address_type
    inline address_type sadr() const
    { return address_; }
     * Sets the start address of this block.
     * @param address_type adr
    inline void sadr(address_type adr)
    { address_ = adr; }
     * Returns the end of the block. That is NOT
     * the last address in the block, but the
     * first behind. (start address + size).
     * @return address_type
    inline address_type eadr() const
    { return address_ + (address_type)bytes_.size(); }
     * Returns the size of the block in bytes.
     * @return size_type
    inline size_type size() const
    { return bytes_.size(); }
     * Returns true if the block has no data
     * bytes.
     * @return bool
    inline bool empty() const
    { return bytes_.empty(); }
     * Returns a const reference to the block byte data.
     * @return const data_type&
    inline const data_type& bytes() const
    { return bytes_; }
     * Returns a r/a reference to the block byte data.
     * If this block changes, the size changes implicitly,
     * too.
     * @return data_type&
    inline data_type& bytes()
    { return bytes_; }
     * Sets new data. Implicitly changes the size().
     * @param const data_type& dat
    inline void bytes(const data_type& dat)
    { bytes_ = dat; }
     * Sets new data (rvalue). Implicitly changes the size().
     * @param data_type&& dat
    inline void bytes(data_type&& dat)
    { bytes_ = dat; }
     * Returns true if address and data are identical.
     * @param const block_type& blk
     * @return bool
    inline bool operator==(const block_type& blk) const
      if(blk.sadr() != sadr() || blk.size() != size()) return false;
      if(bytes().empty()) return true;
      typename data_type::const_iterator it1 = bytes().begin();
      typename data_type::const_iterator it2 = blk.bytes().begin();
      while(it1 != bytes().end()) if(*it1++ != *it2++) return false;
      return true;
     * Returns true if either address or data are not identical.
     * @see bool operator==(const block_type& blk) const
     * @param const block_type& blk
     * @return bool
    inline bool operator!=(const block_type& blk) const
    { return !(operator==(blk)); }
     * Address and content memory swap.
    inline void swap(block_type& blk)
      address_type a = blk.sadr();
     * Clears the instance, releases memory directly.
     * @return voir
    inline void clear()
    { data_type().swap(bytes_); }
     * Returns a range of bytes/value_types in this block, defined
     * using the start address and the end address, as a new block.
     * The block data is a copy, not referenced. If the range exceeds
     * the address limits of this block, then the returned block
     * will encompass the matching part of the address range. T.m.
     * the returned start address end address of the block may differ
     * from the requested range from the method arguments.
     * --> Always check the returned block.
     * Note: The end address is the start address + size, means one
     *       position behind the address range if the instance (as
     *       known from iterators, e.g. vector.end()).
     * @param address_type start_address
     * @param address_type end_address
     * @return block_type
    inline block_type get_range(address_type start_address, address_type end_address) const
      block_type ret;
      if(start_address >= end_address) return ret;
      if(start_address < sadr()) start_address = sadr();
      if(end_address > eadr()) end_address = eadr();
      if(start_address >= end_address) return ret;
      start_address -= sadr();
      end_address -= sadr();
      while(start_address < end_address) ret.bytes().push_back(bytes_[start_address++]);
      return ret;
     * Returns true if the block has data in the specified range, means
     * if it is at least partially in the specified range.
     * @param address_type start_address
     * @param address_type end_address
    inline bool in_range(address_type start_address, address_type end_address)
    { return (end_address >= start_address) && (!(start_address >= eadr() || end_address <= sadr())); }
     * Bock dump stream out.
     * @param std::ostream&
     * @param unsigned align
     * @return void
    void dump(std::ostream& os, unsigned align=16) const
      align &= (~0x0001);
      if(align < 4) align = 4;
      address_type adr = sadr();
      if(!bytes_.size()) {
        os << "(empty block)";
      address_type prefix = adr % align;
      if(!prefix) {
        os << "<" << numtohex(adr, 4) << "> ";
      } else {
        address_type eadr = adr;
        adr -= prefix;
        prefix = adr;
        os << "<" << numtohex(adr, 4) << "> ";
        while(adr < eadr) {
          os << "  ";
          if(!(adr & 0x01) && (adr != prefix)) os << ' ';
        if(!(adr & 0x01) && (adr != prefix)) os << ' ';
      for(auto b: bytes_) {
        os << numtohex(b, 1);
        if(!(adr & 0x01)) os << ' ';
        if(!(adr % align)) {
          if(adr != eadr()) {
            os << std::endl << "<" << numtohex(adr, 4) << "> ";
      os << std::endl;
    address_type address_;    ///< The start address.
    data_type bytes_;         ///< The buffer.
   * Collection of blocks in this record
  typedef std::vector<block_type> block_container_type;
   // </editor-fold>
  // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="private types">
   * Type for each connected data block.
  struct line_type
    explicit line_type() : type(type_undefined), address(0), bytes() {}
    void clear() { type=0; address=0; bytes.clear(); }
    record_type_type type;
    address_type address;
    data_type bytes;
   * Type for all lines.
  typedef std::deque<line_type> line_container_type;
  // </editor-fold>
  // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="c'tors/d'tor">
   * c'tor (default)
  explicit basic_srecord() : error_(e_ok), type_(type_undefined), start_address_(0),
          header_(), blocks_(), parser_line_(0), error_address_(0), default_value_(0x00)
  { }
   * c'tor
  explicit inline basic_srecord(std::istream& is) : error_(e_ok), type_(type_undefined),
          start_address_(0), header_(), blocks_(), parser_line_(0), error_address_(0),
  { parse(is); }
   * d'tor
  { clear(); }
  // </editor-fold>
  // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="getters/setters/clear">
   * Clears all instance variables, resets the error.
  inline void clear()
    type_=type_undefined; start_address_=0; blocks_.clear(); header_.clear();
    error_ = e_ok; parser_line_ = 0; error_address_ = 0;
   * Returns a copy of the current error message.
   * @return std::string
  inline std::string error_message() const
  { return strerr(error_); }
   * Returns a the current error code.
   * @return error_type
  inline error_type error() const
  { return error_; }
   * Returns true if the instance has no error.
   * @return bool
  inline bool good() const
  { return error_ == e_ok; }
   * Returns the default value when ranges are
   * printed or checked that are not set in the
   * S-record. E.g. Zero initialized RAM would
   * read a default value of 0x00, erased Flash
   * ROM would read 0xff.
   * @return value_type
  inline value_type default_value() const
  { return default_value_; }
   * Sets the default value when ranges are
   * printed or checked that are not set in the
   * S-record. E.g. Zero initialized RAM would
   * read a default value of 0x00, erased Flash
   * ROM would read 0xff.
   * @param value_type val
  inline void default_value(value_type val)
  { default_value_ = val; }
   * Returns a random access reference to the record blocks.
   * @return block_container_type&
  inline block_container_type& blocks()
  { return blocks_; }
   * Returns a const reference to the record blocks.
   * @return const block_container_type&
  inline const block_container_type& blocks() const
  { return blocks_; }
   * Returns the first existing address in the whole srecord.
   * Note: This is an address_type, not an iterator. This
   * class does not provide iterators.
   * @return address_type
  inline address_type sadr() const
  { return blocks_.empty() ? 0 : blocks_.front().sadr(); }
   * Returns the end address of the whole srecord. That is
   * the end() of the last block, t.m. it is one behind the
   * last existing byte in the whole srecord.
   * Note: This is an address_type, not an iterator. This
   * class does not provide iterators.
   * @return address_type
  inline address_type eadr() const
  { return blocks_.empty() ? 0 : blocks_.back().eadr(); }
   * Returns the type (specifying the address width).
   * @return record_type_type
  inline record_type_type type() const
  { return type_; }
   * Sets the type (specifying the address width).
   * @param record_type_type new_type
   * @return void
  inline void type(record_type_type new_type)
  { type_ = new_type < 4 ? new_type : type_undefined; }
   * Sets the start address of the whole record (written
   * in S9/S8/S7 lines).
   * @param address_type new_address
  inline void start_address_definition(address_type new_address)
  { start_address_ = new_address; }
   * Returns the start address of the whole record (S9/S8/S7 information).
   * @return address_type
  inline address_type start_address_definition() const
  { return start_address_; }
   * Returns the S0 header data as bytes.
   * @return data_type
  inline data_type header() const
  { return header_; }
   * Sets the S0 header data as bytes.
   * @param data_type
  inline void header(const data_type& s0data)
  { return header_ = s0data; if(header_.size() < 10) header_.resize(10); }
   * Sets the S0 header as string.
   * @return std::string
  inline std::string header_str() const
    std::string s;
    for(auto c: header_) { if(!c) break; else s += (char) c; }
    while(!s.empty() && ::isspace(s[s.length()-1])) s.resize(s.length()-1);
    return s;
   * Sets the S0 header from a string.
   * @param std::string
  inline void header_str(const std::string& s)
    if(s.length() > 25) s = s.substr(0, 25); // no string.resize()
    for(auto c: s) header_.push_back((value_type)c);
    if(header_.size() < 10) header_.resize(10);
   * Returns the last processed parser line. Good to know if
   * the parser has an error.
   * @return unsigned long
  inline unsigned long parser_line() const
  { return parser_line_; }
   * Returns address where validate() found an error, or 0
   * if no address is affected by an error.
   * @return address_type
  inline unsigned long error_address() const
  { return error_address_; }
  // </editor-fold>
  // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="parse">
   * Parse a string.
   * @param const std::string& data
   * @return bool
  inline bool parse(const std::string& data)
  { return parse(std::istringstream(data)); }
   * Parse a string.
   * @param std::string&& data
   * @return bool
  inline bool parse(std::string&& data)
  { std::istringstream ss(std::move(data)) ; return parse(ss); }
   * Parses an input stream.
   * @param std::istream& is
   * @bool ignore_checksum_error=false
  inline bool parse(std::istream& is)
    std::string line;
    bool found_s0 = false;
    line_container_type line_block;
    while(std::getline(is, line)) {
      std::string s;
      for(auto e: line) {
        if(!::isspace(e)) s += e;
      if(s.empty()) continue;
      if(s[0] != 'S' && s[0] != 's') {
        auto i = line.length();
        while(i) is.putback(line[--i]);
      line_type rec;
      if(!parse_line(std::move(s), rec)) {
      } else if(rec.type == 0) {
        if(found_s0) {
          // That's already the next S0 --> put back for the next.
          auto i = line.length();
          while(i) is.putback(line[--i]);
        } else {
          found_s0 = true;
      } else {
    return good() && validate();
  // </editor-fold>
  // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="compose">
   * Recomposes a srec file. Returns success
   * @param record_type_type type=0
   * @param std::ostream& os
   * @param size_type data_line_length
   * @return bool
  bool compose(std::ostream& os, size_type data_line_length=0)
    if(!good() || !validate()) {
      return false;
    } else {
      size_type min_data_line_length = (2+2+(2*(1+type()))+8+2); // Sx+len+(adr)+((min 4 data bytes ))+cksum
      if(data_line_length < min_data_line_length) data_line_length = min_data_line_length;
      if(data_line_length > 64) data_line_length = 64;
      min_data_line_length >>=1; // hex --> bin length
    // Header
      std::deque<typename data_type::value_type> bin;
      for(auto e: header_) bin.push_back(e);
      while(bin.size() < 12) bin.push_back(0);
      if(type_ > 1) bin.push_front(0);
      if(type_ > 2) bin.push_front(0);
      os << "S0" << tohex(bin) << std::endl;
    // Data
    unsigned long line_data_count = 0;
      record_type_type type = type_;
      for(block_type& block: blocks_) {
        std::deque<typename data_type::value_type> bin;
        data_type& bytes = block.bytes();
        typename data_type::size_type sz = bytes.size();
        address_type address = block.sadr();
        unsigned i = 0;
        while(i < sz) {
          // Get one line, either to max chars or until no bytes left in the block binary data.
          for(unsigned data_bytes = 0; (data_bytes < data_line_length) && (i < sz); ++data_bytes, ++i) {
          // Prepend address, update address
          // Append checksum over address and binary data
          // Prepend count/length
            unsigned line_sz = bin.size();
            bin.push_front((address>>0) & 0xff);
            bin.push_front((address>>8) & 0xff);
            if(type > 1) bin.push_front((address>>16) & 0xff);
            if(type > 2) bin.push_front((address>>24) & 0xff);
            address += line_sz;
          // Prepend type, out
            std::string line = "S";
            line += ('0'+type);
            line += tohex(bin);
            os << line << std::endl;
    // Data line count
      std::deque<typename data_type::value_type> bin;
      bin.push_front((line_data_count>>0) & 0xff);
      bin.push_front((line_data_count>>8) & 0xff);
      line_data_count >>= 16;
      if(line_data_count) bin.push_front(line_data_count & 0xff);
      line_data_count >>= 8;
      if(line_data_count) return error(e_compose_max_number_of_data_lines_exceeded);
      std::string s = bin.size() == 4 ? "S5" : "S6";
      s += tohex(bin);
      os << s << std::endl;
    // Start address (termination)
      std::deque<typename data_type::value_type> bin;
      bin.push_front((start_address_>>0) & 0xff);
      bin.push_front((start_address_>>8) & 0xff);
      if(type_ > 1) bin.push_front((start_address_>>16) & 0xff);
      if(type_ > 2) bin.push_front((start_address_>>24) & 0xff);
      std::string s = "S";
      s += ('0'+(10-type_));
      s += tohex(bin);
      os << s << std::endl;
    return true;
   * Human readable dump to a defined ostream.
   * @param std::ostream&
  inline void dump(std::ostream& os)
    os << "srec {" << std::endl;
    os << " data type: ";
    if(type() == 0) {
      os << "(auto/not set)";
    } else if(type() > 0 && type() < 4) {
      os << "S" << (int) type();
    } else {
      os << "(invalid)";
    os << std::endl;
    os << " blocks: [" << std::endl;
    for(const block_type& e: blocks()) {
      std::string s;
        std::ostringstream ss;
        s = ss.str();
      std::istringstream ss(s);
      while(std::getline(ss, s)) {
        if(s.empty()) continue;
        os << "    " << s << std::endl;
      os << std::endl;
    os << " ]" << std::endl;
    os << "}" << std::endl;
  // </editor-fold>
  // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="load/save">
   * Loads an S-record file (.srec/.s19/.s28/.s37 ...).
   * Returns success, that is: The file path is not empty,
   * opening the file succeeded, parsing succeeded, and
   * file whole file was read (only contains S-Record data
   * and no comments or the like). If parsing fails, the
   * error is set in the instance, otherwise there was a
   * file input error.
   * @param std::string file_path
   * @param basic_srecord& srec
   * @return bool
  static inline bool load(std::string file_path, basic_srecord& srec)
  { return load(file_path.c_str(), srec); }
   * Loads an S-record file (.srec/.s19/.s28/.s37 ...).
   * Returns success, that is: The file path is not empty,
   * opening the file succeeded, parsing succeeded, and
   * file whole file was read (only contains S-Record data
   * and no comments or the like). If parsing fails, the
   * error is set in the instance, otherwise there was a
   * file input error.
   * @param const char* file_path
   * @param basic_srecord& srec
   * @return bool
  static inline bool load(const char* file_path, basic_srecord& srec)
    if(!file_path || !file_path[0]) return false;
    std::ifstream fs(file_path);
    if((!fs.good()) || (!srec.parse(fs))) return false;
    return fs.eof();
  // </editor-fold>
  // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="validate">
   * Checks if the current "image" saved in the
   * instance is ok. If no address width type is set,
   * it sets this type implicitly to the minimum possible
   * address type (means S1/S2/S3).
   * @return bool
  bool validate()
    if(!good()) return false;
    // Check/set address type
      unsigned type = 1;
      address_type adr = 0;
      for(block_type& block: blocks_) {
        adr |= block.eadr(); // -1 ? --> no
      for(adr >>= 16; adr; adr >>= 8) ++type;
      if(type_ == type_undefined) {
        type_ = (record_type_type)type;
      } else if(type_ < type) {
        return error(e_validate_record_type_to_small);
    // Variable checks
      if((type_ < 1) || (type_ > 3)) {
        return error(e_validate_record_type_to_small);
      } else if(blocks_.empty()) {
        return error(e_validate_no_binary_data);
    // Block range check, note: blocks are ordered by address
    // when parsing or modifying. We only check that here.
      for(size_type i=1; i<blocks_.size(); ++i) {
        if(blocks_[i].sadr() < blocks_[i-1].sadr()) {
          error_address_ = blocks_[i].sadr();
          return error(e_validate_blocks_unordered);
        } else if(blocks_[i-1].sadr() + blocks_[i-1].size() > blocks_[i].sadr()) {
          error_address_ = blocks_[i].sadr();
          return error(e_validate_overlapping_blocks);
    return true;
  // </editor-fold>
  // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="instance block operations">
   * Returns an ordered container of blocks that are in the
   * specified range.
   * @param address_type start_address
   * @param address_type end_address
   * @return block_container_type
  inline block_container_type get_ranges(address_type start_address, address_type end_address) const
    block_container_type blocks;
    if(start_address >= end_address) return blocks;
    for(auto& e: blocks_) {
      block_type blk = e.get_range(start_address, end_address);
      if(!blk.empty()) blocks.push_back(std::move(blk));
    return blocks;
   * Returns a range that starts at the address `start_address` and
   * ends just before `end_address`. Unassigned memory ranges are
   * filled with the value `fill_value`;
   * @param address_type start_address
   * @param address_type end_address
   * @param value_type fill_value
   * @return block_type
  inline block_type get_range(address_type start_address, address_type end_address, value_type fill_value) const
    block_type block;
    block_container_type blocks = get_ranges(start_address, end_address);
    block = connect(std::move(blocks), fill_value);
    extend(block, start_address, end_address, fill_value);
    return block;
   * Returns a range that starts at the address `start_address` and
   * ends just before `end_address`. Unassigned memory ranges are
   * filled with the `default_value()`.
   * @param address_type start_address
   * @param address_type end_address
   * @return block_type
  inline block_type get_range(address_type start_address, address_type end_address) const
  { return get_range(start_address, end_address, default_value()); }
   * Copies the contents of a given block to the appropriate
   * position. Extends the instance address range if needed,
   * overwrites existing blocks. Might merge and rearrange
   * blocks, means drop pointers or references to blocks
   * after using this method.
   * @param block_type&& block
  void set_range(block_type&& block)
    // The easy cases: No existing blocks are affected
      bool affected = false;
      for(auto &e: blocks()) {
        if(e.in_range(block.sadr(), block.eadr())) {
          affected = true;
      if(!affected) {
    // The normal cases: Existing blocks are affected. Determmine first and last affected block.
    size_type i_first = 0;
    while(i_first < blocks().size() && !blocks()[i_first].in_range(block.sadr(), block.eadr()) ) {
    size_type i_last = blocks().size()-1;
    while(i_last && !blocks()[i_last].in_range(block.sadr(), block.eadr()) ) {
    // All all blocks except the first and the last will be overwritten anyway.
    for(size_type i = i_first+1; i < i_last; ++i) {
    block_type before = blocks()[i_first].get_range(blocks()[i_first].sadr(), block.sadr());
    block_type after  = blocks()[i_last].get_range(block.eadr(), blocks()[i_last].eadr());
   * Copies the contents of a given block to the appropriate
   * position. Extends the instance address range if needed,
   * overwrites existing blocks. Might merge and rearrange
   * blocks, means drop pointers or references to blocks
   * after using this method.
   * @param const block_type& block
  inline void set_range(const block_type& block)
  { block_type blk = block; set_range(std::move(blk)); }
   * Copies the contents of given byte data to the appropriate
   * address. Extends the instance address range if needed,
   * overwrites existing blocks. Might merge and rearrange
   * blocks, means drop pointers or references to blocks
   * after using this method.
   * @param address_type address
   * @param const data_type& data
  inline void set_range(address_type address, data_type&& data)
  { block_type blk; blk.sadr(address); blk.bytes(std::move(data)); set_range(std::move(blk)); }
   * Copies the contents of given byte data to the appropriate
   * address. Extends the instance address range if needed,
   * overwrites existing blocks. Might merge and rearrange
   * blocks, means drop pointers or references to blocks
   * after using this method.
   * @param address_type address
   * @param const data_type& data
  inline void set_range(address_type address, const data_type& data)
  { block_type blk(address, data); set_range(blk); }
   * Removes an address range from the srecord. Might split and
   * rearrange blocks, means you should drop pointers or references
   * to blocks after using this method.
   * @param address_type start_address
   * @param address_type end_address
  void remove_range(address_type start_address, address_type end_address)
    if((start_address >= end_address)|| blocks().empty()) return;
    size_type i_first = blocks().size();
    size_type i;
    for(i = 0; i < blocks().size(); ++i) {
      if(blocks()[i].in_range(start_address, end_address)) {
        i_first = i;
    if(i_first >= blocks().size()) return;
    size_type i_last = i_first;
    for(i = i_first; i < blocks().size(); ++i) {
      if(!blocks()[i].in_range(start_address, end_address)) break;
      i_last = i;
    if(i_last >= blocks().size()) {
      i_last = blocks().size() - 1;
    if(i_first == i_last) {
      i = i_first;
      if((blocks()[i].sadr() == start_address) || (blocks()[i].eadr() == end_address)) {
        // If aligned to begin or end we can just shrink the block
        shrink(blocks()[i_first], start_address, end_address);
      } else {
        // otherwise split it.
        block_type blk;
        blocks()[i_first] = blk.get_range(blk.sadr(), start_address);
        blk = blk.get_range(end_address, blk.eadr());
    } else {
      i = i_first + 1;
      while(i < i_last) {
        block_type& blk = blocks()[i_first];
        if(start_address == blk.sadr()) {
        } else {
          blk = blk.get_range(blk.sadr(), start_address);
        block_type& blk = blocks()[i_last];
        if(end_address == blk.eadr()) {
        } else {
          blk = blk.get_range(end_address, blk.eadr());
   * Connects all blocks of this instance to one block,
   * applying a `fill_value` in unassigned ranges.
   * @param value_type fill_value
   * @return void
  inline void merge(value_type fill_value)
    block_container_type blks;
    blocks_.push_back(connect(std::move(blks), fill_value));
   * Connects all blocks of this instance to one block,
   * applying the instance `default_value()` to fill
   * unassigned ranges.
   * @return void
  inline void merge()
  { merge(default_value()); }
  // </editor-fold>
  // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="find">
   * Returns the address of the first byte where the `sequence`
   * was found, or `end()` if the sequence was not found at all.
   * @param const data_type& sequence
   * @param address_type start_address
   * @return address_type
  address_type find(const data_type& sequence, address_type start_address=0) const
    const size_type seq_size = sequence.size();
    if(sequence.empty() || blocks().empty() || ((start_address < sadr()) && ((start_address+seq_size) > eadr()))) {
      return eadr();
    // As all exported methods connect blocks, it is assured that a
    // sequence cannot spread accross multiple blocks.
    size_type i_block = 0;
    while(i_block < blocks().size() && blocks()[i_block].sadr() < start_address) {
    if(i_block >= blocks().size()) {
      return eadr();
    // Initial in-block vector index.
    size_type i = (start_address > blocks()[i_block].sadr()) ? (start_address - blocks()[i_block].sadr()) : 0;
    // Block iteration
    while(i_block < blocks().size()) {
      // Analyse block ...
      const data_type& bytes = blocks()[i_block].bytes();
      size_type block_size = bytes.size();
      // Iterate bytes
      while(i < block_size) {
        // Find first byte match.
        while(i < block_size) {
          if(bytes[i] == sequence[0]) break;
        if(i >= block_size) {
          // Not found here, next block
        } else if(seq_size <= 1) {
          // Special case: first match already enough.
          return blocks()[i_block].sadr() + i;
        } else {
          // Check next matches (byte compare from position i, and 1 in the sequence).
          size_type j = i;
          size_type match_size = 1;
          while(++j < block_size) {
            if(sequence[match_size] == bytes[j]) {
              if(++match_size >= seq_size) {
                // The complete seq starting at i matched --> return address.
                return blocks()[i_block].sadr() + i;
            } else {
              break; // No match, retry with next i.
      i = 0;
    return eadr(); // Not found
  // </editor-fold>
  // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="static block operations">
   * Merges blocks. Fills unassigned ranges in between with with `fill_value`.
   * @param block_container_type&& blocks
   * @return block_type
  static block_type connect(block_container_type&& blocks, value_type fill_value)
    block_type block;
    if(blocks.empty()) return block;
    if(blocks.size() < 2) return blocks.front();
    for(size_type i=1; i<blocks.size(); ++i) {
      block_type& a = blocks[i-1];
      block_type& b = blocks[i];
      if(a.eadr() == b.sadr()) {
      } else {
        while(a.eadr() > b.sadr()) a.bytes().pop_back();
        while(a.eadr() < b.sadr()) a.bytes().push_back(fill_value);
      size_type sz = 0;
      for(auto& e: blocks) {
        sz += e.size();
      if(!sz) return block;
      for(auto& blk: blocks) {
        for(auto byte: blk.bytes()) {
    return block;
   * Reorders blocks, so that the start addresses are sorted
   * ascending.
   * @param block_container_type& blocks
  static inline void reorder(block_container_type& blocks)
    if(blocks.size() < 2) return;
    std::sort(blocks.begin(), blocks.end(), [](block_type& a, block_type& b){
      return a.sadr() < b.sadr();
   * Extends a block to a given start/end address, filling the unassigned
   * bytes with a `fill_value`. Note: This function does not shrink the
   * block.
   * @param block_type& block
   * @param address_type start_address
   * @param address_type end_address
   * @param value_type fill_value
   * @return block_type
  static void extend(block_type& block, address_type start_address, address_type end_address, value_type fill_value)
    if(start_address >= end_address) return;
    data_type& bytes = block.bytes();
    if(start_address < block.sadr()) {
      size_type offset = block.sadr() - start_address;
      size_type sz = bytes.size();
      bytes.resize(bytes.size() + offset);
      size_type i = bytes.size()-offset, j = bytes.size();
      while(i) bytes[--j] = bytes[--i];
      while(j) bytes[--j] = fill_value;
    while(end_address > block.eadr()) bytes.push_back(fill_value);
   * Shrinks a block to a given start/end address
   * Note: This function does not extend the block.
   * @param block_type& block
   * @param address_type start_address
   * @param address_type end_address
   * @param value_type fill_value
   * @return block_type
  static void shrink(block_type& block, address_type start_address, address_type end_address)
    if(start_address >= end_address) return;
    data_type& bytes = block.bytes();
    if(start_address > block.sadr()) {
      size_type offset = start_address - block.sadr();
      size_type i = offset, j = 0;
      size_type sz = bytes.size();
      while(offset < sz) bytes[j++] = bytes[i++];
      bytes.resize(bytes.size() - offset);
    if(end_address < block.eadr()) {
      bytes.resize(end_address - start_address);
  // </editor-fold>
  // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="static functions">
   * Returns a c-string of an error code.
   * @param error_type e
   * @return const char*
  static const char* strerr(error_type e)
    static const char* es[] = {
      "[parse] Unacceptable character",
      "[parse] Line not starting with S",
      "[parse] Invalid line length",
      "[parse] Invalid record type",
      "[parse] Checksum mismatch",
      "[parse] Byte count mismatch",
      "[parse] Missing record header (S0)",
      "[parse] S0 address field nonzero",
      "[parse] Block size incorrect",
      "[parse] More than one header found (S0)",
      "[parse] Duplicate S5/S6 line in a block",
      "[parse] Data line count mismatch (S5/S6)",
      "[parse] Data line count specifier cannot have data itself (S5/S6)",
      "[parse] Duplicate start address specification (S7/S8/S9)",
      "[parse] Data line types do not match the block start address type (S7->S3/S8->S2/S9->S1)",
      "[parse] Missing start address line (S7/S8/S9)",
      "[parse] Missing data lines (S1/S2/S3)",
      "[parse] Mixed data types in one record (S1/S2/S3)",
      "[compose] The output has too many data lines for the S5/S6 line data.",
      "[validate] The specified record type (S1/S2/S3) is to small for the data address range.",
      "[validate] No binary data blocks to write found in a record.",
      "[validate] Unordered blocks detected",
      "[validate] Overlapping blocks detected",
    return (e < sizeof(es)/sizeof(const char*)) ? es[e] : "unknown error";
  // </editor-fold>
  // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="parse auxiliaries">
   * Parse a line
   * @param std::string&& line
   * @param line_type& rec
   * @return bool
  inline bool parse_line(std::string&& line, line_type& rec)
    if(!good()) return false;
    std::transform(line.begin(), line.end(), line.begin(), ::toupper);
    if(line.find_first_not_of("0123456789ABCDEFS") != std::string::npos) {
      return error(e_parse_unacceptable_character);
    } else if((line[0] != 'S') || (line[1] < '0') || (line[1] > '9')) {
      return error(e_parse_line_not_starting_with_s);
    } else if((line.length() & 0x01) || (line.length() < 10) || (line.length() > 514)) {
      // Line length not even , or
      // Less than minimum of 10 === "SxLLAAAACC", L=length bytes, A=address bytes, C=cksum
      return error(e_parse_invalid_line_length);
    } else {
      // HEX->blob
      std::deque<typename data_type::value_type> bin;
      bin.push_back(line[1]-'0'); // S0 to S9 --> value 0 to 9.
      for(size_type i=2; i < line.length(); i+=2) {
          | ((line[i+0] - (line[i+0] >= 'A' ? ('A'-10) : '0')) << 4)
          | ((line[i+1] - (line[i+1] >= 'A' ? ('A'-10) : '0')) << 0)
      // Record type check
        record_type_type type = (record_type_type) bin[0];
        if((type > 9) || (type == 4)) {
          // S0 --> S9, S4 is reserved
          return error(e_parse_invalid_record_type);
        rec.type = type;
      // Checksum
        unsigned cksum = 0;
        for(size_type i=1; i < bin.size()-1; ++i) cksum += bin[i];
        cksum = (~cksum) & 0xff;
        if(cksum != bin[bin.size()-1]) {
          return error(e_parse_chcksum_incorrect);
      // Byte count
        unsigned byte_count = bin[1];
        if((byte_count < 3u) || (byte_count != bin.size()-2u)) {
          return error(e_parse_length_mismatch);
      // Pop type, byte count, checksum
      // Address
        address_type adr = 0;
        switch((unsigned)rec.type) {
          case 0: // Block header, address must be zero
            if(bin[0] || bin[1]) {
              return error(e_parse_s0_address_nonzero);
          case 1: // Data line, 16 bit address
          case 2: // Data line, 24 bit address
          case 3: // Data line, 32 bit address
            for(unsigned i=rec.type+1; i; --i) {
              adr <<= 8; adr |= bin.front(); bin.pop_front();
          case 5: // Optional block line count: 16 bit value
          case 6: // Optional block line count: 24 bit value
            for(unsigned i=rec.type-3; i; --i) {
              adr <<= 8; adr |= bin.front(); bin.pop_front();
          case 7: // Block termination for S3: Start Address 32bit address
          case 8: // Block termination for S2: Start Address 24bit address
          case 9: // Block termination for S1: Start Address 16bit address
            for(unsigned i=11-rec.type; i; --i) {
              adr <<= 8; adr |= bin.front(); bin.pop_front();
            return error(e_parse_invalid_record_type);
        rec.address = adr;
      // Data
        if(!bin.empty()) {
          std::copy(bin.begin(), bin.end(), rec.bytes.begin());
      // Alright
      return true;
   * Analyse a parsed block, return success.
   * @param line_container_type& lines
   * @return bool
  inline bool parse_analyze_block(line_container_type& lines)
    if(!good()) return false;
    // Collect and check line data
      if(lines.empty() || (lines.front().type != 0)) {
        return error(e_parse_missing_s0);
      header_ = lines.front().bytes; // Checked for multiple headers already in parse().
      record_type_type type = type_undefined;  // S1/S2/S3
      bool have_start_address = false;  // S7/S8/S9
      long spec_count = 0; // S5/S6
      long count = 0; // Check for S5/S6
      for(auto& e: lines) {
        if(e.type < 4) {
          type = e.type;
      if(!type) {
        return error(e_parse_missing_data_lines);
      type_ = type;
      for(auto e: lines) {
        if(e.type < 4) {
          // Data lines (header is out)
          if(e.type != type) {
            return error(e_parse_mixed_data_line_types);
          if((!blocks_.empty()) && (e.address == (blocks_.back().sadr() + blocks_.back().size()))) {
            for(auto ee: e.bytes) {
          } else {
            block_type block;
            block.bytes() = e.bytes;
            if(blocks_.empty() || (block.sadr() >= blocks_.back().sadr())) {
              blocks_.push_back(block); // vector: push is fast.
            } else {
              typename block_container_type::iterator it = blocks_.begin();
              while(it != blocks_.end() && (block.sadr() >= it->sadr())) ++it;
              blocks_.insert(it, block);
        } else if(e.type < 7) {
          // Line count lines
          if(spec_count) {
            return error(e_parse_duplicate_data_count);
          spec_count = (long) e.address;
        } else {
          // Start addresses S7/S8/S9
          // S<0, S4, S>9 already filtered out, S0/1/2/3 and S5/6 handled above --> S7/8/9 left.
          if(have_start_address) {
            return error(e_parse_duplicate_start_address);
          have_start_address = true;
          if(e.type != 10-type) error(e_parse_startaddress_vs_data_type_mismatch);
          start_address_ = e.address;
      if(spec_count && (spec_count != count)) {
        return error(e_parse_line_count_mismatch);
    // All ok
    return true;
  // </editor-fold>
  // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="private auxiliaries">
   * Error setter
   * @param error_type e
   * @return bool
  inline bool error(error_type e)
  { error_ = e; return e == e_ok; }
   * Connects blocks where the condition
   * block[n].end() == block[n+1].begin()
  inline void connect_adjacent_blocks()
    if(blocks().size() < 2) return;
    size_type i=0, j=1;
    while(j < blocks().size() && blocks()[i].empty()) {
      ++i; ++j;
    while(j < blocks().size()) {
      if((blocks()[i].eadr() != blocks()[j].sadr())) {
        i = j++;
      } else {
        block_type& a = blocks()[i];
        block_type b;
        a.bytes().reserve(a.bytes().size()+b.bytes().size()); // append b to a
        for(auto e: b.bytes()) a.bytes().push_back(e);
   * Erases blocks with the size 0 from the block container.
  inline void remove_empty_blocks()
    block_container_type blks;
    blks.swap(blocks_); // now the memory is in blks
    for(auto &e: blks) {
      if(!e.empty()) {
        blocks_.push_back(block_type()); // push fresh instance, and ...
        blocks_.back().swap(e);  // swap the contents.
  // </editor-fold>
  // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="private static auxiliaries">
   * Number to hex
   * @tparam typename T
   * @param T n
   * @return std::string
  template <typename T>
  static inline std::string numtohex(T n)
    static const char* hx = "0123456789ABCDEF";
    constexpr size_type num_chars = sizeof(T)*2;
    char s[num_chars+1];
    s[num_chars] = '\0';
    char *p = &(s[num_chars]);
    while(p > s) {
      *(--p) = hx[n & 0xf];
      n >>= 4;
    return std::string(p);
   * Number to hex, width specified in bytes
   * @param unsigned long n
   * @param unsigned width
   * @return std::string
  template <typename T>
  static inline std::string numtohex(T n, unsigned width)
    static const char* hx = "0123456789ABCDEF";
    char s[33];
    if(width > 4) {
      width = 4; // limit width to 32bit
    } else if(!width) {
      width = 1; // limit width to 8bit
    s[sizeof(s)-1] = '\0'; // terminate @ last char
    char *p = &(s[sizeof(s)-1]); // intentionally sizeof(s), as --p below.
    width <<= 1; // * 2 --> byte to hex chars
    while(width--) {
      *(--p) = hx[n & 0xf];
      n >>= 4;
    return std::string(p);
   * Container of numbers to hex
   * @tparam typename ContainerType
   * @param ContainerType blob
   * @return std::string
  template <typename ContainerType>
  static inline std::string tohex(const ContainerType& blob) {
    std::string s;
    for(auto e: blob) s += numtohex(e);
    return s;
   * Calculate the line checksum
   * @tparam ContainerType
   * @param ContainerType& bin
   * @return value_type
  template <typename ContainerType>
  static value_type cksum(ContainerType& bin)
    unsigned cksum = 0;
    for(auto e: bin) cksum += e;
    cksum = (~(cksum)) & 0xff;  // complement, only one byte.
    return (value_type) cksum;
  // </editor-fold>
  // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="instance variables">
  error_type error_;              ///< Current error
  record_type_type type_;         ///< Type of the data lines (S1,S2 or S3)
  address_type start_address_;    ///< Address offset from the S9/S8/S7 address field.
  data_type header_;              ///< Binary data of the S0 field (without address and checksum)
  block_container_type blocks_;   ///< Contains unconnected blocks of memory ranges.
  unsigned long parser_line_;     ///< Line counter of the parser
  address_type error_address_;    ///< The address where an error was found
  value_type default_value_;      ///< The value that is read in unset address ranges (e.g. RAM 0x00, FLASH 0xff).
  // </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="srecord operators">
 * Stream out --> compose.
 * @param std::ostream&
 * @param const basic_srecord<V,C>&
 * @return std::ostream&
template <typename V, typename C>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, sw::detail::basic_srecord<V,C>& rec)
{ rec.compose(os, 16); return os; }
 * Stream in --> parse.
 * @param std::istream&
 * @param const basic_srecord<V,C>&
 * @return std::istream&
template <typename V, typename C>
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, sw::detail::basic_srecord<V,C>& rec)
{ rec.parse(is); return is; }
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="default specialisation">
namespace sw {
  typedef detail::basic_srecord<unsigned char> srecord;
// </editor-fold>