PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expression) Textprozessor (cli)
PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expression) text processor (cli)
A small CLI program that allows to replace/extract text from stdin
using patterns
defined by the command line to stdout
. The patterns are as known from
(This application is basically the sample application of the class published
here. It links statically against libpcre
dynamically against libc
Ein kleines CLI-Programm zum Suchen/Ersetzen von text (von stdin
) mittels
Suchmustern (nach stdout
). Die Suchmuster sind bekannt von
(Das Programm ist die Beispielanwendung der hier veröffentlichten
Klasse. Das Programm ist statisch gegen libpcre
gelinkt und hat
daher außer libc
und libstdc++
keine Abhänigkeiten.)
Binaries (download)
Kompilierte Programme (Download)
Help text
pcref [-h|--help|-v] '<pattern1>' ['<pattern2>'] [...]
Perl Compatible Regular Expression text Filter.
The program allows performing match-extract / search-replace operations
with pattern known from PCRE (or Perl: stdout = stdin =~ <pattern>), where
one of [`/`, `|`, `#`] can be chosen as pattern separator.
`pcref 'm/pattern/'` or `pcref '/pattern/'`: Prints first match to
`pcref 's/pattern/replace/': Replaces all occurrences ot the pattern with
the replace text (accepted subexpression references are `\1`,`\2`, etc,
and `$1`,`$2` etc, both have the same meaning).
Modifiers are appended to the pattern as known from Perl / PCRE
(`pcref /pattern/modifiers` or `pcref/pattern/replace/modifiers`).
`i` Ignore case (as in Perl).
`x` Permit whitespaces and comments in the pattern (as in Perl).
`m` Multi line: `^` and `$` match start/end of the whole text (as in Perl).
`s` `.` matches newlines as well (as in Perl).
`g` Replace not only first match, but all matches.
`$` `$` matches only at the end (else normal dollar sign).
`!` Meaning of `*?` and `*` swapped (`*?` now consumes as much as possible).
`*` Disable parenthesise (subexpression) matching.
`X` Extra (PCRE strict escape parsing).
`U` Disable UTF support.
Sequential execution:
You can specify multiple expressions as command line arguments, they
will be processed sequentially, and the final result will be printed
to stdout. E.g.
echo 'ABC DEF YES' | pcref 's/ABC[\s]?/X/' '/(\w+)\s(\w+)/$1=$2/'
( --> XDEF YES) ( --> XDEF=YES)
- Remove tailing spaces of each line:
pcref 's/^(.*?)[\s]+(\n|$)/$1$2/gm'
- Extract body from HTML:
pcref '|< [\s]* body .*? > (.*?) <[\s]* / [\s]* body |$1|smix'
- Section of an ini-file to json object:
pcref '/(.*)/\n$1\n/sm' \
'/.*? \n \[SECTION_NAME\] [\s]* (.*?) \n (\[|$) /$1/smix' \
's/^([\w]+) [\s]* = [\s]* (.*) ($|\n)/$1: "$2"/imgx' \
's#\n#, #imgx' \
'm|(.*)|{ $1 }|g'
- The replace function is non-global by default. You can switch on
to replace all matches one using the modifier `g`.
- The match operation (optionally) takes a replace part to rearrange
the matched string using subexpressions (`m/<pattern>/replace/mods`),
so that the match operation is practically an extract operation.
- Replace returns the input string if no pattern matches, extract an
empty string if a pattern does not match.
- The program always reads the complete text (to memory) before processing.
Hence, large texts cause a higher memory consumption.
- On error the program does not return any text to stdout.
- The program understands common escape sequences in the replace text:
\n, \r, \t, \v, \f, \a, \b.
-h, --help Show this help
-v, --verbose Increased verbosity (outputs to stderr)
-vv, --debug High verbosity (debug information if compiled with)
<pattern> A perl compatible regex pattern as described above.
returns 0 on success,
1 on error
perlre, pcregrep, grep, egrep, sed, awk, ex
pcref v1.0, stfwi; credits to libpcre author(s).